Again, I feel like this is putting the responsibility on the wrong people. The people that hire Richardson should be held accountable, not the talent. They don’t have a say.
Again, I feel like this is putting the responsibility on the wrong people. The people that hire Richardson should be held accountable, not the talent. They don’t have a say.
I wish the kinja family of sites would go after the people and companies who produce Allen’s movies, writing weekly posts and keeping up the pressure. All these actors don’t hire Allen, Allen hires them. The more famous ones can probably afford to turn down a role, but I feel like we’re going after the wrong entities.
This is a terrible short-term loss but I have faith it will be a long-term gain when I’m buying my ticket to opening weekend of her movie. Can’t wait!
Katrina, Flint water, Maria and PR. All so mortifying and shameful. For the love of God, what are they doing with my taxes if they’re not doing disaster recovery? Nothing good, I guess.
:( oh, that seth meyer thing?That’s ridiculous. Hope you get back very soon.
Sometimes we all need to forget about penii, if only for a moment.
Cracks me up when I see a woman buying tampons, pads, ice cream, and a bottle of wine and nothing else. I feel you, honey.
You forgot penis. And the ensuing plural debate.
You’re in the grays? That’snuts. What happened?
It scared the absolute fuck out of me duringthe Ferguson protests turned riots when they removed the press and took them into police custody.
I glanced quicky through the replies below. Ugh. Has anyone mentioned Kissinger and the horrors in Angola, Cuba, Cambodia?
Whoa, there’s cute, then adobable, but what’s beyond adorable? This pup, that’s what.
He is ridiculously cute. I’m sure he gets anything he wants with those eyes.
I feel you. I need to buy a car and can’t get what I want and can’t decide which top priorities to compromise.
You are having one rough Thanksgiving weekend. Stay safe!
You are having one rough Thanksgiving weekend. Stay safe!
Amy looks a little trashed herself. Good thing Willow is there for the two of you.
Is that a land seal? Adorbs.
Yes, and the gaslighting. Age and/or good therapy helps.
I love this.