
I’m in! (It may be just the four of us.)

Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this. I personally would probably wait until after vaca but depends on severity of your symptoms.

OMG. I had to log in just for this. Ten years ago when I was online dating things were great; I met a few good people and got a couple of decent relationships out of it. But I went back to it this spring for the first time and my experience was the same as yours. I was juggling OKC and Our Time (50+) and I got dozens

Just read it! Wonderful and hilarious. And published! Published! So excited for you!

Now I want a meatball sub.

Is no one going to say it?

I hate to see another regular leave. I’m a lurker but I’ve been around since before the 2012 election and it’s just one heartbreak after another.

I did this in 2011 with my 60#, 11yo girl, no respiratory issues. I was terrified the whole time. I researched for weeks and decided to go with Alaska Airlines. I specifically got a direct, overnight flight for temperature reasons and it turned out fine. The flight was 4.5 hours but arriving in Miami which was hot and