
I always shout "BUT HE COULD BE HER FATHER" at the TV when this happens. I also get huffy when a male characters mother is barely older than him.

Shailene Woodley was born in 1991. Thomas Jane was born in 1969.

Like Swamp Thing, Surge emerges—you thought you killed it, but it only came back stronger.

Yep, Tom yelling 'SURGE!' as various monsters struggled across the screen was a highlight of the Si Fi years.

See, I look back on my years of high school policy debate as a clever lifehack to spend as little time as possible on my high school campus. I barely went to class in the fall!

yes, it will be known as 'piss.'

OMG at the last guy. Just. No. Offering to help is NEVER sexist if the person in question sincerely needs help!

I am leaving the bay area in a couple months after a decade here and everything you wrote just fucking underlined why.

I am fucking aghast at this.

People in Marin don't go to supermarkets. I imagine them struggling to pronounce the word.

People are nut bags. I think women are set up to feel guilt from day one of motherhood. Can't or don't want to breastfeed? Then it's a shame you aren't giving your baby what's best. Breastfeed in public? You might offend someone's eyes with your inappropriate boobs. Breastfeed your baby too long by other peoples

You're a better person than I am. I don't respond well to that kind of discourtesy even coming from a child. I'd flip out if someone said that to my wife or loved one.

I should have stuck around and followed her and filmed people's reactions. She and her friends were so awesome and outraged and into stirring shit up. They gave me hope.

Haha. I know someone who works for WF and I called it Whole Paycheck once and I thought she would have a hernia. We were very long time friends but she NEVER interacted with me on FB so I figured she didn't really participate in it ... that is, until I made the WP comment, then she was on me like white on rice. People

OH ... MY ... FUCKING ... GOD ... those Berkeley hippie douches are MASTERS at this passive-aggressive game. She is an epic see-you-next-Tuesday for 1) thinking the thought; 2) USING her child to do her dirty work. Special place in hell for judgmental fucks who try to inflict their shame sludge on others. I think all

Rubber stamped use of all caps.

Gawd, and I thought I was pissed when a woman who walked by me while I was buying "curbside" strawberries (from a field hand who drove to a snotty/hippy Marin county town to sell them) barked at me, "THEY ARE NOT LOCAL, NOT ORGANIC AND INEDIBLE." Uh, I'll decide what toxic shit to put in my body, but thanks for your

I have watched this ep and just now got the "Push" joke.

Me when I left my ex husband: I can't do this anymore.