
Even if you explain you are looking for the Z specifically they will ask if you have driven the Sentra Nismo. My friend was looking at the Juke Nismo a couple years ago and the stupid sales guy would not give up on selling the Rogue. When my friend said he was specifically there for the Juke Nismo the stupid sales guy

Once analysis comes out that the uber car saw the pedestrian, tried to stop, but couldn’t, tests will resume. Even without a reaction time, all vehicles are governed by laws of physics. at 45mph, they cannot stop any faster than the tires and brakes will allow, whether AV or human operated. We were all taught as kids,

She was clearly jaywalking on a multi-lane road. And she was an adult, let’s not play the kid game. And you don’t need a degree to know that jaywalking will eventually get you killed. Would you jaywalk onto a highway? No, because you know you will get killed. What’s different in jaywalking on regular street?

Are you, like, a Facebook Fan? Your response carries the tinge of an emotional response to a #brand, so I just gotta ask. (Also, Canadians are susceptible, don’t pretend y’all are some rationalist utopia.)

Bet she felt smug knowing she had the right of way when she stepped in front of a moving car.

You can’t test for human behavior in sanitized conditions.

One trouble with the premise of the article is there is not a rational answer to an irrational urge

Let me start by saying I’m against street racing, weaving through traffic, and general stupidity, although I’ve also been guilty of participating in impromptu speed contests myself in the past when I was young(er) and dumb(er). That said:

I mean, I feel like that’s not that big of deal TBH.

As annoyed by verbal tics go, this ranks up there with tech bros who begin every sentence with, “So...”. And it usually means they don’t want to answer the question that was asked. As in:

This has nothing to do. The appeal of street racing is the fact that it is illegal.

Only one problem Andrew, people who street race can’t read.

That’s what I love about these high school girls.

Better than Alt, right?

Usually motivations make some sort of sense though.

So Thanos’ plan is revealed: the right Twix or the left will decide your fate. Choose wisely, my friends.

2019 is just an eyeball screaming into the void.

He looked on, knowing full well that a long night of flagellation lay ahead.