For whatever reason it gives me a Heavy Metal vibe, even though I know the animation styles are very different.
For whatever reason it gives me a Heavy Metal vibe, even though I know the animation styles are very different.
Beanstalk guy: Traded away his only source of income for drugs. Dependence on psychoactive substances has put his family in a dire financial situation. Now completely disassociated with reality.
Jack (and Jill)
Management bad! Boo ownership!
Aren’t the same 2 teams in the NBA finals every year?
This is great kinja.
Do they roll back in their head?
2/2, would wear.
Looks pretty well-developed for a pre-alpha.
The same is true of the ravages of warfare. None of the soldiers ever seem freaked out or traumatized.
They tried to back the money truck up to Heyward and Price but someone had a money truck with better options and more money in it.
Because they are fucking miserable to drive.
Most people are barely interacting with the their cars at this point.
This is your main gripe?
Heart pounding! Veins Clogging!
When I play around designing custom dashes for tablets and such, I always put this image as every pressure/temp warning screen.
He doesn’t have enough Wins!
You call it a fuckin’ Cadillac and call it a day.