
Challenge accepted

Shit, I didn’t know they were letting 12-year-old Call of Duty players comment on Lifehacker now.

Well once I start trying to bite you to death, feel free to shoot me. I rather like all of my limbs in tact. If that makes me a pussy, so be it, but at least I will still have all of my fingers to flip you off.

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

Well, on a national level, over 4,000,000 people voted for Trump in California. That’s more than Clinton’s totals in every state except Florida and New York.

We actually have water you inbred liberal

You realize you wrote this on a blog where a massive portion of the population not only read this book, but loved this book.

Matt Damon wrote that book? WHO KNEW!!!!

There is no requirement to deploy ultra high speed to every single dwelling in the country. If there was then we would all have to pay even more taxes which would go toward this. It cannot be done profitably, it would have to be heavily subsidized.

“Households in the bottom 20 percent of incomes are five times more likely not to have access to broadband than those in the top 20 percent.”

I’m pretty sure that it’s in the basement of one of the cameramen. They were going to throw it out after the shoot but he managed to pull some strings.

I absolutely love this. You folks asked for it, now you’re receiving it. The assumption that every cop is a bad cop is what got you here. Its wrong for someone to assume “everyone in X group is bad” but then you go and do exactly that to law enforcement.

We have a sweet deal. $500/month for 5 of us. That includes vision and dental. My wife took an lower level administrative job at a medical university to get the awesome benefits. The pay isn’t great, but we end up being better off in the long run.

He didn’t say don’t buy a smartphone. He said maybe you shouldn’t go out and get the new iPhone. I think it was intended more for young people than for poor people.

I have two friends and one coworker that do not have smartphones. It inconvenient, but they live otherwise normal lives and don’t stare at their phones constantly like the rest of us with smartphones.

Internet, in general, is needed, I’ll agree. But you really could cope without a smartphone.

While his phrasing was ham-handed, his premise is accurate. Financial responsibility is a lost art. I don’t have any pity for someone that pays $120+/month for a Verizon iPhone 7 with a 25gb data plan when they should be using a cheap droid with half the data on an “off brand” carrier. We all spend too much money on

Why should I help you pay for something you could afford yourself if you had any self control?

Absolutely... If you’re poor, but have an iPhone, a PS4, and a big screen HDTV then I’m not paying for your healthcare.

Another article with graphs that mean nothing without axis metrics. Nothing against you as a person, but I would like to see actual metrics when comparing processors.