
It got warm for a few days in Feb.. It got cold for a few days in Sept. Relax, sparky. Don’t be such a lemming.

lol here we go again with this crap on Gizmodo. Oh look California is going to bake and die in the drought. Oh wait it rained a ton. Oh look early spring, then be 26 degrees on Tuesday..

I wish all cars would just die. Mostly because they’re a huge enabler of armed robbery.

This is a silly headline and the author doesn’t seem to understand what BitCoin is or why people buy it then. It’s a replacement to PayPal and still a good way to transfer money. The author dismisses it because an exchange was broken into, that’s like saying don’t use money because once a bank was robbed.

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

I think the process is a bit tougher than tossing stuff in a Jersey landfill.

Dont judge an entire state by one A-hole! If we did that all 50 would be off limits!

it took years for me to start dating again

i invited you. you had your chance. and now you’re sitting there writing passive aggressive blogs. we had a great time eating sheep dick and ram eyes on the rim of a frozen volcano that smelled like hellpoop! i’ve never seen so many “j’s” and “k’s” in my life! there was a man playing an instrument with strings that

Planning a Wyoming trip now, just to prove Tom wrong. It’s pretty cheap!

Yeah, not every airline has this policy, but if you ever fly one that does, you’ll now know why they ask you to.

Dude, any discussion on this subject kind of requires discussion of the mythbusters episode on this subject as part of the literature review.

Dont freak out so much about anything, ever.

This is different than “single moms” wanting to f me in my zip code right?

I like steak tartar, the version you’ll find in Hamburg: raw ground beef on buttered bread. I saw a street vendor selling this treat right outside the Hauptbahnhof last time I was there and he was doing a brisk business. I never hear about any health issues that are connected with this; I wonder why?

That’s what another friend told me. We had a $1400 return, but once it looked at our ACA stuff, it said we owed around $600. I swear I didn’t lie when I put how much money I make!-_-

That’s what another friend told me. We had a $1400 return, but once it looked at our ACA stuff, it said we owed

Instead of a sizable return, I actually owe this year, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Instead of a sizable return, I actually owe this year, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Algorithms? The “drones” that are being used by the U.S. military are flown by the hand of actual U.S. Air Force pilots.

Interesting article right up until the left turn into whining about the US military <gasp> killing terrorists. Oh, horrors...

Well, you guys have officially tipped your hat. No more journalism here, just pure politics. I’ll get my gadget news elsewhere.