
Would blocking it at the firewall work? The speakers need to talk to Amazon and Spotify, for example...not Sonos unless they are putting in a kill switch.

The guy in the photo could answer: “Because my mustache is too thin to look as weak as my beard does”.

And yet Seattle has a nice big statue of Lenin in one of its neighborhoods and he was 100x worse than Lee was when it came to misguided ideology and how it was forced on people. That one should be torn down before any more Confederate stooges are removed.

Don’t forget the Polish goodbye - when your date says they’re going to the bathroom but they actually sneak out the door and get a cab...

He was smart - I let my wife lie to me for years before I ended the relationship. What a waste of time - lesson learned!

the most efficient way to manage such donations is through centralization

Pshaw - Amazon Now can have a pack of condoms on my doorstep faster than you can sign up for this app....and I always leave a tip.

We already knew sex in the woods is fucking in-tents, but thanks for the rabbit hint...I almost spit out my water laughing so hard.

You never think one will go out of business - at least they were able to recycle the sign on this one.

I thought the worst thing was letting Kim-chub-un get as far as he has...we can thank obama for that.

Hope it’s not cloudy for you out there - getting to be that time of the year where the mornings might not be the best time for seeing the sun. Now, central OR is the place to be and that’s going to be slammed!

I finally have a way to sort through those okCupid dating profiles and pick off the catfish before they pick me off!

...or after years of the clintons, America was smart enough not to give hillary control. It’s all about showing people the worse alternative and unfortunately, Yankee’s suggestion doesn’t use this tactic.

Sounds like this device (much like the Google router) sends data back to the mothership and you don’t have an option to turn it off. Any mesh or DFS capable APs out there that don’t do this?

Sounds like this device (much like the Google router) sends data back to the mothership and you don’t have an option

Almost perfect - I’d want some kevlar and maybe ceramic plating to protect me going through Chicago.

Almost perfect - I’d want some kevlar and maybe ceramic plating to protect me going through Chicago.

Stay off my fucking roads if you’re high.

people who refuse to have sex with period-having humans are immature and ignorant

Dutch reach? I thought that was when both grabbed the restaurant bill at the same time and decide to split it.

When you can’t find ground lamb, you gotta improvise.