
But where it gets out of line is when they take their beliefs and try to institute it in laws and legislation.

Ethics - maybe you need to explain your personal definition. #1 should be not hiring an illegal alien - not glossing over it by calling them a “undocumented worker”.

Add to that...the budget shortfall in each state...$1.6B in California, over $6B for Illinois...etc.

Stopped visiting Gizmodo because of all the bullshit leftist commentary in the articles and comments - looks like Lifehacker is going down the drain too. So sad. I bet all the Chinese people who make up the bulk of BTC mining and trading these days would disagree with that old coindesk article the author referenced.

Yeah, that coindesk article was a couple of years old...

1) Pay taxes
2) Die

That’s why I keep mine safely in my pocket when I’m out at bars. I would hate to lose it.

I hear the same rhetoric pumped out by most conservatives right now.

You make it sound like “judgement” is a bad thing. Let’s not let liberal-speak affect how we make personal decisions or how we talk about them....especially when choosing a mate.

Thanks for gringo-splaining the “holiday” for us. You can step down from the pulpit now.

No name calling, no attack on the writer’s character, polite assertion of the expectation he had for a professionally written article. I don’t see a dick here, I see somebody who’s justly critical of an article and writing an opinion.

How does it compare to a standard clipper for manscaping?

How does it compare to a standard clipper for manscaping?

“criminals”, check. “thug”, check. “MS13", check. I don’t see anything racist in the post. On the other hand, calling this person a “redneck” is certainly racist. Thanks for the double standard chuckle.

A round blanket would waste fabric in the manufacturing process- and that would be irrational...

A round blanket would waste fabric in the manufacturing process- and that would be irrational...

Source? Mine says otherwise.

You gonna name a source for “vast, vast, vast” or you just gonna make shit up like the supreme leader?

There was bipartisan support for yanking the funding for this back in 2011. We (those Americans who actually pay fed income taxes) bought this institute a $186M fugly building in DC and the results of this drain on our federal funds are questionable.

Finally, a reasonable post in all of the whining, but I think there are enough privately funded legal service groups to more than make up for the Legal Services Corp. For every group on the list, there is an NGO or charity that people can send their money to if they support that cause. I prefer to redistribute my

It’s as if they didn’t know that Peter Thiel was an investor in Lyft...