
Well, I believe DC was built on a swamp...

Starting to become a regular occurrence around here... it’s as if the writers are taking classes titled “How to alienate intelligent readers.” 

Came here to say this. Fuck gizmodo. I’m out.

See, Obama was all for transparency in government - of course he meant we the people should be transparent to government, not that the government should be transparent to the people.

Amazon’s profit margin is 0.77%:

because the unions know better than those stupid little employees so it’s only fair that the union comes in and takes a cut of their paycheck to “take care of them”

Except, when they don’t. I worked for Jewel and their union was fucking awful, useless and corrupt. In fact, I never came across a union that didn’t involve skilled labor to be worth a fucking shit. They take more money from you and you don’t get any real representation or benefits, just doing full-time work for

You’re not going to get massive unionization like that at Amazon or anywhere else for one simple reason: People are not willing to die or go to jail for the cause. Their shitty job isn’t so shitty that it’s worth dying over making it less shitty if they don’t die. This isn’t like people working in factories 100+ years

Fair enough.

Where’s Meryl’s apology for defending a rapist?

Wrong! All the best politics and sports stations are on AM.

But the video of her applauding Roman Polanski isn’t.

Also don’t forget St. Obama making a Special Olympics joke.

Christian extremists refuse to see or acknowledge how they are no different from Muslim extremists.

Sorry for my confusion. How on earth did the US even function before 1999 without this administration?

I would argue that it is easier to mouth platitudes and act nice than it is to be more open about your actual thoughts.


I voted for Trump. What do you want us to say, “grow up and stop your crying?” I didn’t think so, so as we have for the year leading up to the election we’ll probably remain silent and just laugh to ourselves at your meltdowns.

Karma’s not real, friend. And no, I am not toxic. I am quite reasonable. Which I guess is your problem... that I rely on reason, not how I feel about something.

Not every situation requires empathy. Sometimes, you gotta do something even though it is unfortunate. Welcome to life.

What a sad individual you must be that you hate that people are allowed buy a service with money they earned. I pity you.

Thanks for the reporting on the program. I am not the market for this but I like that car companies are trying new things. Not eveyone needs a car all the time. I imagine this type of car sharing will become more common in the future.