
When the liberal / progressive media stops ostracizing people for their political views, maybe you will find something worth reporting.

At this point I see it as a Turton Watch. Ss in watch how long the same rehashed nothingburger can be milked before he either has to produce some real journalism or be fired.

I have a hard time understanding why I or anyone else should care about this at all, much less why it deserves daily posts on Giz.

A new year and yet you’re still writing the same bullshit.

Here is an honest question. Can someone explain to me why Chicago, you know, the home of our President, is such a shit hole?

“Police are investigating whether the slurs are evidence enough to designate the assault a hate crime.”

Hope you’re joking. Even though I thoroughly dislike Nickelback’s music how are they privileged in the sense you seem to be using it. They were very much a garage band in Canada. They have worked hard to get were they are. Touring and navigating the not always nice music scene. Yes they are now very rich but they

Ah hell, someone left the Jezebel gate open again...

You know what. I grew up in the same area as Lavigne. I remember when she first gained her fame, she did a lot for our community.

Nope. That’s not the point. The point is that Gizmodo (and similar tech-focused blogs) have wide readership, and blog about science. It behooves the bloggers to do a bit of Stats 101. If you expect the tech site to know roughly what RAM is and what CPU clock rate is, it’s not too much to expect that the bloggers have

If this makes you this upset, maybe you shouldn’t be getting your scientific research from gizmodo and reddit.

No argument here, but there are ways to engage opposition aside from personal attacks, especially if you want to be taken seriously. Gizmodo is about science and technology. I find it more useful as a reader when these writers keep their eye on the ball.

That does bring up an interesting point. The way Obama handled Immigration and Marijuana legalization was by publicly announcing that he would not be enforcing federal law on those subjects. Trump could very easily announce that he will not enforce this federal law and allow drilling.

It is because this “article” is “written” by a muppet who spends his day copying and pasting bullshit and hitting “post”. It isn’t the fucking BITE that is terrible it is the STING. But hey, who has the time to Google the most basic of information before posting this stupid fucking “article”

Considering it’s the highest of any industrialized nation (which is insane) it has plenty of room to go down and still be affordable. Europe’s average is just north of 18% just to give you some much needed perspective.

Oh piss off. Debate? The same way the Dems “debated” about Obamacare behind closed doors to the point that Pelosi had to admit that “we need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”? Yeah! They don’t like losing! Which is why your losing-side’s dumbasses have tried to alter the election Russian-style by harassing

you think this is exclusive to Trump... or even the Right?

Because it doesn’t fit the Carlos Slim mandate that all Gawker-Ghost posts must clearly state that Trump is a 100% evil poopy-head.

Why did you exclude this part of Cook’s post? Is it because Trump and Cook may share similar thoughts about it?

Police and fire are funded at the local level. Flat federal taxes wouldn’t affect your local services.