
Theranos still looked like revolutionary technology in 2013. If he thought this could change battlefield medicine (where many new technologies and techniques are developed), I don’t see it as much of a problem. A retired general provides some invaluable contacts and experience.

This is Sparta Gawker Gizmodo. Facts are not required, here.

Unless there is additional information not presented here, you seem to be jumping to conclusions. What makes you think General Mattis is still in their corner? As you correctly pointed out, a lot of people were taken in by the promises of Theranos, but that doesn’t mean that he would still be on their side after it

Oh Gizmodo! You can’t have it both ways

And most people would just be waiting on the tides to rise.

Philanthropy is fine and dandy. Show me a good charity, though, and I’ll show you an idea that could be practiced on much larger scale by a government.

Gosh, if only there were historical examples of how radical government-administered redistribution impacted an economy and the people living within it.

Thank you for pointing out these things. Still I feel that gay marriage and family services are somewhat separate, though I do see some connection.

Republicans depend on the Medicare vote heavily to win elections. You piss of the septegenarians, Republicans lose all elections.

So your biggest concern with the dude is that he will refuse to federally funded abortion which is already illegal to federally funded and would take an act of Congress and the president to sign off on to change?

You’re not wrong, it just bothers me how many lemmings eat this stuff up. I vote that Giz write an article with a clickbait title that covers the reality that is the limited power of the executive branch. I’ll even give them the headline:

“And, they’re all insiders”

This pick sucks, for sure, but let’s chill with the doomsday writing. Cabinet members and the presidents they serve don’t make laws. Congress does. And as crazy as this guy is, you won’t find 51% of congress members that agree with him. There’s plenty of congressional Republicans that would oppose some of the things

I agree. Gizmodo and Gawker need to publish less opinion and spin. You would think after getting sued and loosing that it would learn its lesson.

Breaking News! Next on the 10PM news! Apple connected a water pipe!

...and Gizmodo isn’t? lmaoo

Ahh, my apologies. I wasn’t coming at this like some asshat troll. I’ll do my best!

I’m terribly sorry, what point are you trying to make here?

This response confuses me, in regards to the context of my original post...

No jokes today. *takes off hat & bows head (either in respect or prayer)