
Heaven forbid that the next president of the United States have a history of being involved in legitimate business ventures. Heaven forbid him from making his money in the private sector in spite of government versus making his money like 99.9% in the federal government who make their money because of their

but I don’t know how an enormous federal agency like the GSA could’ve done a proper search for files in less than 24 hours.

Please let me know when Gizmodo stops being a website which focuses on politics and starts to focus on tech again. Thanks.

Obama is Hitler just as much as Trump is.

Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” was also the title of a Nazi youth marching song. But you don’t care about that because, you know, not Trump...

Noam Chomsky disagrees with you. He asserts that media censorship comes in the form of the industry only recruiting, hiring and grooming people who posses certain political ideologies. That the other opinions never make it through journalism school because they either self select out or are made to leave.

I would say more like “Fuck Everyone who voted” but who am I kidding.. It was like choosing which poison to take. The ballot read, and I quote: “You want the red restriction of freedoms or the blue restriction of freedoms? Either way, you will be fucked in the ass. XOXO Republicans & Democrats”

Pretty scary stuff. Unions are an option, certainly, and I would never discourage anyone from joining a union.

and ignoring public records laws to do business in the shadows is better?

And not entirely peaceful.

Usually I don’t care about this kind of stuff, but why does this need goddamn in the headline AND again in the first paragraph? it just lessens the impact and takes away any journalistic credibility there might have been in an article pulling facts from another story.

You said pansies, not me. Besides, I’m pretty sure I could say all of that in one breath.

To be fair; it makes more sense than all of the Trump bashing articles on a gadget/tech site. Go back to your safe space.

RE: The regulatory attorney. I fear *this* will be what Obama’s legacy winds up being (especially if the ACA is gutted/repealed). Every batshit crazy decision trump makes will be caveated in history books with “He was able to do this because Obama consolidated more and more power in the executive branch through

Nope. Oregon. I have a beard, tattoos and long hair, too.

Hudson is currently the biggest hack writing for Gizmodo. After getting fired from Vice (which is a feat in its own right), he never lost the hipster attitude about everything, yet is decidedly partisan. He’s so terrible I actually miss Alissa.

Domino’s isn’t my favorite pizza, but i still find it odd this whole article was about lambasting it in an attempt at humor. The drone stuff would of held on its own. What are you, a secret papa johns pr person? Or do you buy fancy $7 dollar slices that you unioned bloggers probably think is a bargain?


Not until after January it’s still on Obama. Rules are rules.

This happened in New York, you say?