
Honestly, it’s starting to resemble a less-funny Buzzfeed.

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Stop trying to be Gawker or you’ll share their fate.

No, not Beer Nuts, Deer Nuts. They’re under a buck.

Props to Bauer for giving it a try.

I think the problem with the academics tackling the problems is that they are too busy building safe spaces and ball baths and social justice programs.....


Just curious how you feel about the CDC/Harvard report that documented how Russia has total handgun ban, and still has ten times the murders of the US. Also, since you like statistics, all rifles account for about 350 deaths per year. To put that in perspective bare hands and fists, and even knives kill more people

I’m all for keeping realistic looking guns from kids that end up pointing them at the wrong person and get shot (there are plenty stories of kids pointing guns at law enforcement officers). But we have to be realistic that gun laws in general do little to protect people. Even the CDC noted in there study that there

What seriously...this?...The...what...ugh forget it.

It is still giving aid and comfort to our enemies, it is still treason. Just like her overthrowing a stable government so she could have their weapons (including WMDs) transfered to AQ/ISIS.

Like knowing the Saudis fund AQ and ISIS, then still taking their millions in exchange for doing their dirty work on Capital Hill?

This times a million. Around here people are all anti Trump because he is orange and said sexists things 10 years ago. Hillary is just as bad/evil as he is, but is just better at hiding it.

For someone as allegedly smart as she is and a savvy as people make her out to be, she ends up Elmer Fudding herself more often than not.

This election should have been a cakewalk for Democrats. HRC is, in my mind, the only candidate they could have legitimately fielded that would have caused this much duress.

Another day another reason to find Clinton skeevy as hell. And don’t give me grief, I’m voting for her against Trump but if you can look at shit like this and say you see nothing untoward about it, you’re fucking deluding yourself.

Who do you elect? The Presidential candidate nobody likes, or the Presidential candidate nobody likes that can’t follow email best practices?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Anyone that’s driving in Chicago and swings open their car doors is just asking for trouble. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been driving and have almost taken off someone’s door because they swung it open into my lane. Be very aware of your surroundings before you exit your car.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.