
Remember when this blog was about technology, and not about political rants? Feeling kind of nostalgic. Does engadget still exist?

This problem is difficult. Treating the mentally deranged individuals on the streets can be very challenging and especially dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of people that are truly psychotic. Some of these people are so zonked out they have no real perception of reality, can lash out violently, and some

SF homeless aren’t like NYC homeless. It’s easy to criticize from the opposite coast, but when there are sidewalks all over the city you literally can’t walk on due to the tent cities and screaming crazies, something needs to be done. Making this city less attractive to homeless people seems like a good start.

If this is a story about donations to a cause that you don’t like, it should be about Bogue, a venture capitalist and executive. It shouldn’t be about his wife, who’s more recognizable and gets more attention. But then if the story is about Mayer, a much more relevant and buzzworthy topic, it shouldn’t be a story at

I dislike Marissa Mayer, but Mr. Mayer donated to a charity that is trying to give people a bed and sanitary conditions. Its not perfect, but nothing ever is.

“War on Journalists”?

An adult agreeing to fuck another adult in exchange for money is not the same as being property for sale. Get pimps out of the picture and legalize prostitution. Fear of legal reprisal and fear of violence from other people in the illegal trade are huge factors in making prostitution dangerous, and violent pimps/johns

That’s clearly not what he was saying. C’mon.

There is no bigger political whore than Hillary Clinton.

Ahh fuck, legalize it already for chrissake.

this doesn’t even look real. I thought it was fake until i watched the whole clip

Reading is only good if you do it in a public building with a limited supply of books to share, didn’t you know?

This really isn’t an “exclusive” The only thing “exclusive” about it is that Verizon is the only store you can walk into and purchase it from. You can order it online form Google Play and either pay it outright or $27/month like it was stated.

Laura’s problem (as depicted in Consumerist) is a prime example of why one should not use a debit card for online shopping, or for, well, pretty much anything except an ATM card. Lifehacker had a treatise on this in 2013.

And I really love how Vapers think somehow no smoking rules don’t apply to them and they can feel free to blow that foul smelling junk all over everybody and the “vaping community” “fights for respect” because they are special snowflakes.

Going to come right out and say it: fucking fuck every single fucking person on this earth who smokes. Cigarettes, vapes, whatever. You are literally a fucking CANCER on this planet. Fuck yourselves with rusty forks please and fucking stop breeding. I literally do hope every single one of you dies of cancer in

This, I nor any of the independent voters I know care about Trump’s tax returns unless there is something illegal in there, which I doubt because it would have been exposed already. If he has paid 0 taxes then I don’t blame him, I blame the tax code that allows it. Absolutely nobody has ever walked into their

I would love it if this and its sister sites would stop posting political stuff entirely.

A little gem of a comment on the Trek Against Trump page:
“Star trek promotes globalism and one world government. The creator of star trek was a 33rd degree free mason and was aware of the elites plans for the future and used it in his work while the sheep sit there and think its fiction. On the surface the idea sounds

I’d urge people to vote for neither of them, they’re both lying old sacks of shit.