
This has nothing to do with free markets. This was fraud. The only thing that alowed ITT to survive was government grant money - the exact opposite of what capitalism. Free markets does not mean anarchy. There are still rules.

Right so maybe you should not start your post by blaming the free market or capitalism since those aren’t exactly factors here. Gee that was hard.

Blaming Capitalism, for starters, when it very clearly states that the school was only profitable because of the government.

We do not live in a free market or capitalistic society. One of the biggest issues was the fact that government loans were allowed to be used at this joke of a school.

Except in a libertarian environment this would have never happened because ITT Tech wouldn’t have been able to have their students pay for their tuition with government loans. If college loans were completely privatized no reasonable bank would give a loan for a worthless institution like this because they would be

What happened here was fraud. Libertarianism has nothing to do with it. If you produce a substandard product and charge an exorbitant rate for it, and you spend your efforts trying to obscure both those facts, it is just as frowned upon by Libertarians as it is by anyone else.

I liken it to the mortgage crisis of 2008; if the government is handing out free money, you shouldn’t be arrested for getting in line.

The Time Feriss Experiment had an episode on this. If you show a picture of yourself with a puppy you’ll get a lot more messages. People are suckers for that stuff.

He was interviewed by Jones, they do not appear to be friends. Novak is just adding to his long history of lame trolling.

It’s to let them know their brights are on so they’ll be aware that it’s distracting and will turn them off for the next car they encounter.

The Philips Hue system is one of the few smart home solutions that work as well as you need them to,

Lot of bad info in your post. I’ll unpack them point by point.

So, are you still condemning Trump for planning to tighten up immigration?

Yeah just comments you hate. Big difference.

That SRB does not produce 9.2 Million Lbs of thrust, the entire launcher does. The ATK 5 segment Booster produces 3.6 million lbs of thrust by their estimate. Still impressive, but not as much as this article implies.

You’re a fucking retard

So, in mortal fear of triggering other possible painful flashbacks, should those people simply say nothing around her? If so, then how the hell does she expect to be working in a social environment? What, they use the word “insert” in a sentence, she’ll come back with how that reminds her about a violent rape she

Should we just treat everyone as if they may have been raped or sexually assaulted? How far are we going to go with all these SJWs?

This. A thousand times this. I’ve experience many times what a person like this woman can do to a relaxed work environment. I say that as a woman who works in tech, with mostly males who can get inappropriate sometimes. But while everyone has a trigger, I don’t consider anyone responsible for protecting me from mine.

You know, in that case she probably isn’t fit to be in society. We have injured war vets and other people that go on disability. She probably should live out her days at home and away from anything that might mention they work, especially the Internet, TV, news, radio, people casually talking about the news, etc.