
I use one for a backup that I store away from my house. I schlep it home once a month, run the backup from my main NAS, then take it back to the place where I store it. Works fine for that but the mechanism that holds the drives in place is a little flakey. After moving the unit, I usually have to finagle one of the

I use one for a backup that I store away from my house. I schlep it home once a month, run the backup from my main

Yup - he pretty much nailed what every politician has to do - appeal to the LCD so they can get elected. Brilliant!

Yeah! Who wants to drink water that’s been through a hot water heater?!? Yuck!

How do the urinals stay intact? I’ve peed on my share of ice and it doesn’t last 2 years...

But who watches the watchers?

What do you expect from UGA? They keep Georgia classy!

It looks like it’s a lot easier to get separated from your carry-ons. I’m still paranoid somebody will grab my laptop or murse when I’m stuck on the other side of the metal detector.

This type of colistin-resistant E. coli has been found in several other countries—namely in the intestines of pigs—but this is the first time it’s been seen in the US.

I’ve been using facebook and microsoft to help lay cable for years....this isn’t news.

Nice to see Alissa sprinking in some counter points to all of her anti-personally-owned-car rhetoric. Yes, mass transportation is the solution to everything-including fiscal responsibility. It’s the kind of balance I’ve come to love at Gawker.

Given the location of the discovery, the 5th force is hunger.

TL;DR - is this like grouping all Asian drivers together? If it is, then I’m calling racist first....

Thanks for showing the black mamba, let’s not forget Charles & Mambo too.

They should have a parade to celebrate the pride they share in doing that.

We’ll need some GMO cows that don’t have tails for that to work...

Is this going to nail women putting on makeup at the stop light too?

Looks like Missle Command...when things got really bad.

Been using Fusion power for years now...get with the program and shave that upper lip!

Saw all that greenspace in the infographic and thought the same thing.

Nope - check out what the rest of America thinks: