Or is it this...?
Or is it this...?
Am I doing it right?
Thank you for calling it by its proper name “Ford Mustang GT” and not a “Ford GT” like a different Jalop writer did recently (He did end up fixing the headline...).
Saw a mommyUV parked across 2 handicapped spot the other day... With a license plate promoting helping kids. SMH.
Hey! How about a NSFW tag, man!
Is that why me and others can’t actually view it? Oh well... I’ll just visualize in my mind.
Youre not crazy (as the unhelpful reply you got from someone else implies.)
That may be true, but what if it feels like you’re not standing at a bus stop...
Shirt pictured not available?
You didn’t see ‘The Rock’?
Thank you for replying in a respectful and informative manner.
Stopped reading after saw that they used a ‘chase’ car (SUV) to draft behind and not all the drivers were onboard the whole time. Not impressed. Might as well have just run it on a dyno for 3000 miles...
The part that gets me is that you don’t see that in any other of the ‘action pics’. So either they only did that partway through, or faked some of the pictures afterwards, ala all ‘reality’ TV shows these days.
I has a sad. Did i not teach you anything.... ?
Oops... This is a way old article... Odd...
Your Gawker neighbor seems to indicate that the beginning of the rollout actually had the setting Enabled by default. Which was a TERRIBLE idea.
Thanks, Commerce Team. I was just thinking about how I haven't backed up my own computer in a while. Plus, I've used these at work (not for backups, but other usage) and find them to be sufficient. Pulled the trigger.
Thanks, Commerce Team. I was just thinking about how I haven't backed up my own computer in a while. Plus, I've used…
And now picture it in February in a cosiderably colder location...