Ooooo Ooooo ::raises hand:: I know which dry dock you are probably talking about!!!
Ooooo Ooooo ::raises hand:: I know which dry dock you are probably talking about!!!
Mmmmm... Sbarro...
Can we please stop saying X movie just set a new record? Due to inflation and population increases, this is a given. Every year, every month, every holiday, every day will continue “breaking the record” from now until the end of time.
::sniffles:: ::waves:: We the people will miss ya, Kat!
If I could star this a thousand times, I would :)
Its nice. And trust me, I aced the introvert exam. But I’ve done all those things and still feel as tho they could be so much better with that someone.
As a friendly PSA, be careful using the word "legos" around the Gawker universe. There are some corners where you could be tarred and feathered for such a thing. They'll say "It's Lego. That word is already plural! Arrrrrrggggg!"
Thank you for putting all this info in one post. Many others tried, but only included parts.
Now, I'm no slowpoke, but that's the only road I've been genuinely scared driving. 5 lanes, all 85mph, bumper to bumper....
Hey! Its that guy!... Who was in that thing...!
But...But.... They are different rules.... And different cars... (As some announcer was trying to justify last night)
Nope, right post for me.
Not sure if you are commenting on the right article. FTA: "The problem is that this happened on a restart, when all the cars were bunched together. "
well, I'm not reacting at all. I have no say.
You have to know that that is not the way it works nowadays. Anyone in the public eye (sports, politicians, entertainers, etc.) will be judged and hung by the court of public opinion, at the speed of the internet, and thus the applicable governing body HAS to throw down punishment as if the person has already been…
If you are not actively passing someone, you should not be in the passing lane. Simple, straightforward rule. No need to evaluate your speed in relation to anyone else. Even if the highway is empty (Bonus: gives you more room on both sides in the case of an emergency!) Its even easy enough to be put in this handy…
Please don't call it the "fast lane"; it only confuses the conversation. It is the "passing lane". And should only be used as such, regardless of the speed anyone is traveling.
They had reportedly already broken up the week before. But, ya, let someone else start your car(s) for a while...
I had this same car. Drove it around upstate New York for a winter. Rear studded tires only though.