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    What to do? I really, really want it to flop as it’s wrong on every level, from concept to execution. But then Lotus would be dead. This is the very definition on “sellout”, yet people quickly forgave porsche for the Cayenne and forgot what pedaling your own weight on a darned bike means. Ah, well...they deserve it in

    Agreed. That’s the maximum amount of Evil, barring WWII Bayer and Monsanto, that I’ve ever seen.

    100% correct. Even formal economists are now admitting freedflation is a thing.

    Hmmm. I think it’s because we’re perilously closer to bottom, culturally speaking.


    Yeah. The idea is to keep you on the treadmill. Airtight system.

    Waiting for those C8 Stingrays to come down to historically reasonable numbers. I’m pretty sure MSRP Z06s are out of the question, and I find the Eray overpriced. Any educated guesses?

    I'm with you. Exterior OK. Steering wheel not ok. Dealing with seller not ok.

    Mother of God that's hair-raising. Any other nightmarish stuff we should be on the lookout for?

    I’m expecting an evolution of the same platform for the C9, the same way the C6 was an improved C5 underneath. Most likely hybrid to full electric, hut we might go lucky and get a final nat asp V8 if regulators don’t go full gonzo by then.

    100% correct!!!

    Dude they have a point. No drag on accel. Recharging-s done on braking mostly. I’d learn and own up. Better to say “I didn’t know” than being publicly shamed and dig deeper.

    Excellent journalism and kudos on telling it like it is. Now that’s a spine and values! And yes, there will be the random Bezos wannabe hypercapialist apologists with pitchforks in the comments below which love an unfettered money grab till they receive a surprise 40k bill themselves from their Healthcare provider

    They just look better, honestly. You can layer it as much as you want, but billions speak with their actions (preferences). We like what we like, and you can’t take that away from us. Please continue to get stronger, powerful, self sufficient. We’re happy for you. But we don’t want power or money or wizened

    Predictable -but no less dissapointing- take. While this is effectively the sundown of an era due to unavoidable environmental concerns, the true story is the that this car is effectively dead on arrival, as more than a few won’t consider a 4 cylinder (Just ask the 718), let alone a hybrid with fragile German

    We've a 2018 S550. Speed limit here is 55. I drive 54.

    Unpopular opinion:

    You sure you're on the right webpage? Just kidding.

    The Porsche for those who can't handle a real Porsche.

    I see low sales in the future.