The Ape

The problem is appetite to “adjust for it”. One year of stockpile doesn’t do much if the year after turns out to be bad again. That is what we are seeing more and more of while not doing enough to tackle climate change at its root

There is no shadow if you throw some light on it. Genius musk doesn't get something that simple? 

You didn't expect retribution when you sneaked around their ads? 

You just did what you are accusing others of - cherry picked one aspect of republican demographic without even looking at whether its valid to cite. The data seems to suggest that particular point isn't the key differentiator 

Why not abolish the tax on fuel that funds the infrastructure currently and instead apply a uniform infrastructure tax on every vehicle whether it be EV / fossil / hybrid / some future tech. Less ambiguous, less controversy on EV vs non-EV conversation and moving on with times instead on patching on top of old rules

He is a perfect candidate to mess things up and cause a major grandfather paradox for the whole world to deal with, so I would really not want him in past.

Their chief engineer who can make rockets fly is busy elsewhere fixing Ye, that's why /s

That’s irrelevant. Google did what was best for them and will do it again if another competitor shows up. That’s what businesses should do.

Unlikely unless everyone else he is dealing with is dumber than him

I wonder where he will do it. He may not realize, but he is breaking his own megaphone

So basically you answered your own question on why it would need to be governed by any government agency. That doesn’t mean we are talking about a current or future government agency

So, if an astronaut kills another aboard the station, that’s fine because no one has jurisdiction? And if a missile is launched from a station, who is to blame if it’s stateless with no authority? Would that loophole fly?

> they would appeal the jury’s decision on his YouTube channel

There is a simple way to test if it works in real world - start with China. That will test how practical use the "decentralized" is

that’s irrevelent. Amazon wasn’t built in a day. Google predates Amazon in advertising business. Amazon didn’t enter this business until many years later. Amazon wasn't first as you claimed

In all likelihood, that is all illegal money being funneled into the system in the name of donation. Classic money laundering scheme. I'm not familiar with US law, but are there any checks and balances where the recipient has to report the source or provide evidence of legal cash flow before being able to use it? 

So his suit is saying people don’t read even if clear information is provide to them. When I open an incognito tab, it has some text telling me what that mode does (hide your activity from other users on same device), and more importantly some text telling me what it doesn’t. Specifically, your browsing activity can

I won't judge so quickly. Apparently they had shut down since March, but still had staff on retainer being paid. I think they are cutting those mounting losses here. The only heartwarming decision may be the original shutdown in March, but I won't be surprised if the sanctions actually made the operations unrealistic

It’s not smart to ignore what is happening right now and not adjust valuations continuously based on that. Doing so would mean believing in some long term performance assumptions while ignoring reality - the very basis of speculative trading without any valuation model

The stock valuation factors in future growth and cash flows. If those assumptions change, so does the valuation. If it was based on realized balance sheet, it would be impossible to trade any stocks, the buying and selling prices will be exactly same with no uncertainly and hence no incentive to do either. This is not