The Ape

Every business makes money, doesnt mean anyone can start one afresh and come out ahead. Can you point out a single independently run website that can do what twitch does, or even something close? You probably have no idea about how these things are monetized. Hint - building and hosting a website isn’t enough, that

If you look at the top 50 list posted above, it's clear being a politician isn't a sure metric for Twitter fame. You tell me if there is anything more than an assumption leading us into this popularity contest

In last primary, how many candidates had a tax reform agenda targeting the rich? What did “we” do to their chances when we “had" a chance to say what we want. As I see it, we prioritized other things. If money corrupts, we are allowing it to do so in a significant enough way that matters. 

Apple has rejected apps in the past, or sat on their approval for suggestions of other payment options. Their terms also have a broad language suggesting such a thing not being allowed -

It seems, on appstore, apps could not put a suggestion or link that tells the users about alternative payment venues. That is until the epic thing forced Apple to allow a link. Apple has repeatedly defended that constraint. Like Kindle app itself cannot direct you to purchase options elsewhere.

It is not that easy to distinguish alien life form from earth origin when we have zero idea what an alien life form looks like. What if any life possible elsewhere in universe is similar to that on earth. Whether it is so or not is part of what we study to. And when the life forms mutates with time, in a new

Is that your only reason to LOL, or do you actually know what they have been doing? 

I guess one person's incompetence still works out better than a whole broken system of politics and belief

China has. You are cherry picking and really missing the actual point

Only as much as your OS allows. Do you run with infinite size pagefiles today? Besides, you may not have a hard drive with this. Comparing future tech with current constraints makes no sense. That bridge is for the research and development teams to cross

I don't think a user has to worry about any of this. It's for system architects to deal with. Mobile devices today are already moving in a direction where traditional file management isn't a user's concern. Even if there was separation of process vs user data for user to manage, it only will bring more flexibility in

Are you assuming your future ultradrive works like your current SSD or RAM? I guess we won’t know until this research leads to a viable product that you and me are allowed to get our hands to. I believe the point of such research is to build a product that is fit for purpose, so I don’t think something like a memory

Replace the man at the end attack

As previous example showed, there is a reason. If netflix could show, they would. If they don't, they probably cannot. Netflix originals are a bit of marketing spin. A lot of them are actually not fully owned by Netflix globally. It may be an original in one country, because Netflix exclusively brought it there

I didn’t claim that. I was reacting to your “china could have acted a month earlier”, when the same is pretty much true for EU/US/UK. They all goofed up in their own unique ways. The US/UK pretty much ignored evidence from other countries and expert advise from their own medical professionals and - first didn’t react

And yet, there was more than a month before China made it public, shared the genome and locked themselves down to limit its spread where the western world wasn’t infected. Look at what the western countries did in that time and honestly tell me what makes you think China could have done any better