
Crazy. I had a friend who had something similar happen... She was dating this guy not knowing he had a girlfriend.. she exchanged some nude pics with him, and his girlfriend found out... She created a facebook page in my friends name, with only her nude pictures on it, and a bunch of gross photoshopped pictures the

First day purchase right there. And I rarely say that.

If this is anywhere near as good as Red Dead, than it's a instant buy for me.

It explains the burger, but does'nt explain the french fries.... I'd like for them to do a scientific evaluation of that..

Never trust a woman's word.

Looks like a crap game to me. After the disapointment from 13, I'm definitely just going to pass on this one. I'll wait untill Squeenix gets their act together before giving them another chance.

I very much want to play this. I for one am happy that animation studio's are starting to become involved in games more often lately. Between this and the new Ghibli game in the works... I have a lot of optimism for the future of japanese games.

Anybody realize he looks exactly like a younger Bruce Springstein?

@jdnine: Your right about the beer. But if you like IPA's, there are some great one's out of San Francisco.

C'mon.. do you know how many actors came from Canada? Half the people in Hollywood are from Ontario or BC. Though we did spawn the Beiber... not much I can say about that.. our bad.

Something very similar happened in Canada with Telus recently... Only they went to the CRTC and were allowed to use those funds to increase broadband into rural areas..... instead of giving it back...

@Morlay: Ahh Manitobans... I can't comment on them. Don't think I ever met one haha. All I know about them is that Manitoba has the largest amount of Iceland'ers outside of Iceland. Shows how exciting and high revered Manitoba is. Manitoba and Saskatchewan are kind of the grey provinces... right smack in the

@Jaime O. Díaz Cabán: ground meat doesn't include bone and cartilage and a bunch of other weird additives to make it last longer and taste better?

@swissdude: It's not hard to stop eating processed foods. It's actually quite easy.. and people have been doing it for thousands of years. If you want to eat meat, you can eat local or free range meat.. or you can cut it out all together. Veggies are a healthier source of protein, fat and carbs anyway. And I say

@lpranal: If I could do that I'd have to change my sheets every morning once I wake up.

I personally hate the width of the bezels. I'm not against bezels. They serve a purpose. But I personally don't think they need to be as wide as they are. Makes it look bad and I could do just as well with less. And I have big hands/fingers.

@Morlay: Wow, well I don't know where you live, but I've grown up in the east coast, and lived in Alberta now for the last 5 years... Anything less than 15% as a tip is either a cheap ass, or means the waiter/waitress had really horrible service.

@Mugly: Yeah I work for Telus in the west.. I know about the pricing... Tho we're moving off of broadband and onto fiber now.. quite cool stuff.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: That's because it's news. It's there to be informative and keep you up on unbiased reflections of things that go on in the world.