
@twilight-arc: Service provided by unionized workers, most places, is pretty poor. I know, I'm one of them.

@Dalton63841: Do you even know what your talking about? America has gorgeous geography... it's massive.

@Pressure: damn! i gotta move to denmark!

Oh boo hoo. Yes they are rediculous, most likely you got some bitter old woman who does'nt like americans therefore didn't want to help you.

@Nitesh2: You probably could..I'm from Halifax, I'd probably consider them if I was still out there with all that slush they get in the east.

@4nth0ny: The canadian midwest (within a few hours drive from the boarder of montana) can get up to -50c in the winter at times... and still very far from the north pole.

@hurbieta: That's one of the few things I don't miss about the east coast... since I moved to the west, I've never had to bare the old "snow than rain" days.

@Mark 2000: I thought if you had hipsteritis, you would have about 10 pairs of these already?

So basically... you hate people, and hate facebook. But still use both.

@RussTech: Haha for sure! I think it's a east coast thing... the snow in the west is way too dry, it never packs up well. I'd be afraid it'd just blow away on impact haha.

@RussTech: Haha for sure! I think it's a east coast thing... the snow in the west is way too dry, it never packs up well. I'd be afraid it'd just blow away on impact haha.

@Michael Scrip: Computers are only necessary if you make them necessary to your life, the same way anyone else would make anything necessary to the way they wanted to live their life...

@Ricorich196: Funny and painful as hell. I would be more afraid of huge rocks being hidden underneath. Nothing hurts more than falling from a great height onto a hidden rock/boulder.

@Channan: Go do it, kids do it all the time.

@Michael Kantack: because it's not.... not sure why it made a post.

@Chris HarrKuhn: Seen this the other day... this in my opinion is MUCH more daring and warranting of a post than the video posted above, which is totally sort of common.

First of all... I don't even question if it's real or not.. we used to do this at our complex in Nova Scotia back when I was a kid.... you build the snow really really high (usually the plows would do that for us), and when you jump of you sink pretty far down.... like the equivelant of a stuntman jumping from a

@Settings: I agree... honestly I clicked on the headline excitingly hoping to see something cool and new....

@Irving94: It's the first thing I thought when I saw it.