
Pretty much looks to me like they are jumping on the "twilight" vampire bandwagon.

@casmith07: This girl is more my cup of tea haha.

@anoteoftruth: Unless that tea party consists solely of orange pekoe and delicious tea biscuits.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I'd like to say everyone that beleives Fox news, or is in the Tea party... is pretty much stupid.. I think I can say that with confidence.

@Samurai I-am-awry: Most of the time thats not true.. unless it was canadian made/published. Really will vary, but I personally can never recall seeing that happen.

@PenitentPenguin: It's true... pretty much everything. Especially lovely things like Liquor... many times we pay double for liquor than what the US charges.

@KamWrex: Americans only have 2 countries next to them. 1 of which is of a very similar culture as them. I don't think it's too much to expect they may be aware of what goes on here.

Well its true. People in the states generally don't pay attention to what goes on up north. I know people in the states that can name all 50 states, but can't even name all of our 10 provinces. We only have 10!

@Purdueable: I find it hard to beleive anyone I know has actually ever ate one of these.

@Mike Anderson: If they did, you'd know it wasn't a good sushi place. The best sushi places will only use the freshest wild ingredients.

@RomanForest: I'm in bison country (edmonton, alberta) so I do what you'd like to.. Bison is always a better choice than beef when you can find it. Usually tastier too.

I would much rather meet the hottie in the picture thanks.

Wonder if I can still get my hands on a old nano?

@strideo: could be a batcave?

@trs: Agreed. I don't think it looks more realistic at all. That being said, for certain things, I wouldn't want them to be "realistic"... like movies, videos, etc. But this effect I think is limited.. looks great with scenery, but I didn't enjoy the part where it's tested on people.

woah woah woah, hold your horses...

Someone has some hairy arms.