What’s more embarrassing is that this gets the headlines. Not the federal debt increasing. Not the cut in programs. Not healthcare being in shambles. Nope, this. This is the ratings suits making decisions of what is news.
What’s more embarrassing is that this gets the headlines. Not the federal debt increasing. Not the cut in programs. Not healthcare being in shambles. Nope, this. This is the ratings suits making decisions of what is news.
I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future engineers learn about in class.
Depends greatly on where and when. Also, Mother of God, do I not want to be the first ride on Sunday morning after that thing has been shuttling drunks home all Saturday night
I’m confused... why are Ryu and Cammy beating down that Power Wheels version of a BMW i8?
Yes! I love sitting in traffic and focusing all of my attention on it! Stupid robots trying to take away my right to not relax or do anything other than focus on the dumbass in front of me! If you see one these ungodly things rolling around, definitely give it a good body slam so the car companies somehow realize this!
On the other side of the coin, there is an equal or greater number of people who do want driverless cars. Human drivers are tired/lost/inebriated/distracted/block intersections/speed/cause problems... I’m so over it. I can’t wait until the human factor is gone.
Came here for this. The sun will go supernova before these things have time to make a meaningful impact.
I guess mother will have to be there to keep Mike Pence from losing it during their performance?
My first thought: “Wow, scuba diving in an underground cave sounds like a really good way to die. She is brave.”
Anyone wanna place a bet on the first person to break out the “Melania should stay with Donald for the good of the country” take?
Damnit, Dotard. Your family only gave you two rules. Don’t fuck anyone younger than Ivanka and don’t pay anyone more for sex than you are paying Melania. How hard is that?
Only in a just universe would that happen. This is not a just universe. We missed that fork in the quantum branching timelines a while back.
Fox News would go out of their way to smear her. Her nude photos would be the lead story every day for a month.
It’s weird until you realize that the Christians created the Upside-Down. They’re the ones who decided to turn their religion, supposedly about helping the poor and forgiving sinners, into one of bigotry and oppression and then force it on other people.
I’m glad they could launch a giant condom into space complete with a circling sperm for all of LA to enjoy.
OK. Imagine your state. Now imagine your state funding this.
That pilot needs a real dressing down.
Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
The human truck driver could have just looked where he was going too.