
Not sure the list of names that you have offered is comparable, all of these people excluding Yusuf Islam actually did something that caused their visa to be revoked. The notion that we can deny visa based on thoughts and art created is absurd. The drug use histories of Amy, George, Nigella is what cause the denial

“Like, y’all wasn’t trippin on that in 2011, or 2012, or 2013, or 2014, or half of 2015. But out of nowhere, the UK has a problem with me coming into their country?”

I worked at Starbucks briefly and totally gave assholes decaf when they really deserved it, but only when they were being extra asshole-ish.

I hear variations of “my girlfriend is 120lbs and has 44 DDDDs” all the time.

Yup. It amuses me to no end to hear a guy describe a woman with large breasts who weighs 100lbs soaking wet as “having huge tits man. Like 40 DDDs.”

Nothing is funnier than hearing men talk about something they know nothing about. “No, no bro, I swear, she had, like sextuple D’s!” Sure, bro. Sure.

My boyfriend’s mother was, for some unfathomable reason, convinced that he was allergic to shellfish. Totally 100% convinced.

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

Back when I was a kid we knew a family like that. The mother was just insane and convinced that her husband and kids had various allergies and sicknesses. I have no idea how much was true and how much was BS, but after a while it was plain that she used her freak outs over food and illness to control the family. It

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.

It’s still family friendly, but not in the catering for kids way. It’s just benign as hell, as far as any sort of adult content goes. That being said, not sure if a kid below 10 would be too into it. As it is now, it’s more of a very good romantic comedy, with great writing and a solid amount of focus on actual facial

Personally I don’t see it as maddening, people change if if that change means they’re being less jerks to people then I’m happy for them, especially when the old behavior that we’re talking about was over a decade ago.

In fact Alan Moore has even apologized for what he did to Barbra Gordon in The Killing Joke.

Alan Moore doesn’t rally fans against women.

Aaahhh. Greg Rucka is one of the good guys.

I have a personal stake in it. And that specific issue is a big part of that stake.

My problem with him is that I work in comics. I have since 2007.

That’s a different story: “Are the 71 percent of teenage boys who play online and use voice chat ruining online games for everyone, not merely for the 72 percent of teenage girls who play online and don’t use voice chat?” :)

Only the older generation of gamers actually still believe that women and girls don’t play video games.

As someone who was a teenager girl, I can testify to this being accurate, and remaining accurate as an adult, it’s why it’s frustrating when games I wanna play rely on mics to be able to fully enjoy them, kinda feel left out because I’d rather really not use a mic for about a hundred different reasons.