
Or depressed people, like myself. **eats garbage like a raccoon**

I am an old. I can assure you that cold leftovers taste just fine when you are fucking exhausted from your job and your commute and the gazillion other necessary tasks that are required of you to maintain your position as a functioning adult.

  • property is theft

Because there is little to no consequence to your attentions being unwanted and that includes feeling guilty for making someone uncomfortable. If it was really just a matter of being unable to control yourself you’d make passes at women with their husbands and boyfriends present. Some other guy kicking your ass is the

this is the fucking same thing as someone drinking a 5th of vodka and jumping off a balcony or taking a squillion pills and jumping.

The men aren’t the ones that are really trying to propagate this practice. It’s the older women who do this.”

Sure, let me get this high-pressure hose.

Hey look, guys! We found one!

you pick an aisle, i.e. junior knits, start at one end and quickly file through every single item until you get to the end of the line. if some old lady tries to stall your progress, pretend she isn’t there. do not let the old ladies impede your progress on looking at every single item on the rack. red rover right

i hate this fucking company so much

Just means they have better access to their parents’ prescription drugs in the medicine cabinet than before... Why would you deign to smoke weed when you can just pop one of your dad’s Xanax?

Sex workers don't need your fucking faux pity you can gtfo w this fucking condescending bullshit who asked you

I will “exalt sex workers” all day long, if you mean “allow that some of them are human beings with free will who’ve chosen sex work.” As for people who do not choose sex work, but enter it through trafficking, coercion or economic hardship, I’ll put this part of the letter in again, in case you missed it:

Seriously though, if Sinead O’Conner called me a cunt, I would consider it an honor and one of the highlights of my life.

I’m pretty confident that if Bob Dylan saw Kim Kardashian’s Rolling Stone cover he’d somehow manage to find a way to continue his 50 year long streak of not giving a fuck about anyone or anything.

Honestly, it is PERFECTLY FINE for you to say, “I’m not up for this, I don’t need or want it in my life.” But the attitudes you are putting forth are generally considered pretty harmful to a person who is experiencing depression. Depression doesn’t have an “off” button. It’s not “looking on the bright side.” It’s not


depression is something someone can only fix themselves

Holy shit. Everything you just described is the ANTI-THESIS of what someone should be doing to help those in need. Depression is literally a chemical imbalance, what you just wrote is the equivalent of yelling at water to turn into wine, “JUST DO IT, hurry up and turn into wine, what are you happy being water?”.


I don’t think it is helpful to look at what can make you happy. That just sends you into a cycle that will continue to lead to depression. Though if that worked in your case, then I’m glad! It might work for someone else too.