
i doubt that s/he gives a shit about being perceived as weird when they are acting to preserve the life of their child.

thank you for saying in a much more eloquent way what i was trying to say with my story.

i have been suicidal in the past, to the point that i was hospitalized. if i had had a gun in the house, i do not know that i would have been able to resist killing myself with it when i was experiencing the urges. as it were, i only had various sharp things and lots of anti-anxiety medication in the house and while i

ha i was thinking the same thing.

i am so, so sorry. i wish i could take some of your pain, i can’t imagine how much you must be scared and hurting. if you think you might hurt yourself, please go to the crisis intake at a psych hospital or an ER if you aren’t near a psych hospital. i know it sounds scary and drastic but i went myself for the first

wow i didn’t realize you were an MRA. are you my ex-boyfriend IRL?

omg i love you.

you can get fortiflora from amazon :)

oh sweetheart. i am so sorry you are in so much pain. hang in there and know that this internet stranger is rooting for you <3

GO YOU! i am right down in the trenches with depression right now myself and i am crazy impressed with you. i need to find a therapist that takes my insurance and set up an appointment, like, 6 months ago but i have not been able to make myself do that particular piece of adulting. good luck with everything <3

i NEEEEEEED to check out that game!!

oh my god! that poor little thing. people who declaw cats are monsters :(

are those your kittens? they are PRECIOUS!!!!!!

this is why i had a second, “boyfriend does not touch” laundry bag when i was cohabitating. sorry about your awesome pants :(

that shot of him smacking her butt in bed is mesmerizing.



awww babes it’s fine. i’ve been through a couple rounds of colposcopies/LEEP procedures, it’s highly unlikely that they are cancerous or will turn into cancer, especially since your doc is keeping an eye on it. she’ll cut the bad cells out and everything will be fine, try not to worry <3

rainbow roll! put alllllllllll the delicious fish on it, plz. so jealous of your sushi!

oh honey. i’m open with my guy but it’s different from your situation since we have been from the beginning. a big red flag for me in your post is that you say he refuses to acknowledge some important issues and that he wasn’t responsive to an open relationship, so it sounds like he’s not communicating. this is a