
i am a total fragrance junkie and i LOVE the sound of that fresh scent. i’m gonna have to hit up surrender to chance, like i need an excuse lol

ummm please go on!?

that is bullshit. HE is bullshit. it’s so fucking unfair that you’ve been treated this way, by him and others. you sound very secure in yourself so i’m not trying to boost your self-esteem, but you sound amazing and like you’ve had an amazing life and i wish we knew each other IRL because i’d love to get drunk with

NOBODY is good at dude-ing. srsly, no one. hang in there, try to do stuff to distract yourself so you aren’t dwelling on the future. i’ve found mindful meditation is really good in dealing with pesky anxieties like “is he gonna text or no?” - just ten minutes a day made a difference for me. best wishes <3

ugh i’m sorry babes. i’ve totally been there, i happen to also be a queer woman with a high sex drive so i know those feels. online dating can be really tough and it’s totally fine to decide it’s not for you or to take a break. i’ve noticed that i do the best with it when i can treat it almost totally dispassionately,

oh my god i need to read that.

how the fuck do you even say that

I think downers like painkillers or something. Or...shes trying to be sexy?? Why not both?

lol you are awesome

FUCK that. that is some bullshit right there!

+ crappy plastic surgery. i’m two years older, did a shit ton of drugs in my time, & she looks like she has ten years on me. poor linds :(

what. the. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK?????

i am IRL laughing my fucking ass off at SAMMY I’M COMING HOME TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

omg how did she even get the polish remover on the plane? well i guess if she had a tiny bottle of it they’d be like whatevs. i’m surprised a flight attendant didn’t step in b/c (as you pointed out) FUMES.

lol yeah no holes, just overpriced see-through yoga pants.

there’s a lotta basic bitches out there.

fuck that tosser and his/her concern trolling

oh my god i dance at a strip club and i would DIE to see the looks on the customers faces when they say me in shoes housing a tarantula, even if it was a dead one.

the bottom part is sexy but the clear plastic just kills it for me. surely there was some other material they could have used, especially for the price.

this is a hard read, but a necessary one. fuck this society, we take people who are vulnerable and treat them like they are disposable.