
Sadly, you never know that they won’t kiss you after until you have already gone down on them. Curse time and its linear nature!

yeah, NEVER go down on somebody who won't kiss you afterwards.

How would you feel watching your partner leap up right after you were finished, and try to get rid of your juices as quickly as possible?

Came here for this comment. Honestly the fact that the writer admits this is not sponsored content is almost more embarrassing. You shill this hard and can’t get paid for it? Yikes.

It probably got lost along with the requisite eyeroll for “omg chemicals.”

Yep. Some of this is straight out of a press release, ffs.

Where is the “sponsored”/”commerce” tag please?

These felons, upon release, find a great deal of difficulty getting jobs. The recidivism rate is high, because legal employers are averse to hiring felons. So they seek out illegal employers.

Agree with much of this in theory, but sometimes it’s less about “how am I being perceived” and more about “how can I bring about the desired result.” Because when you know damn well that the person whose ideas or plans you’re about to counter or question is an arrogant jackass who gets defensive upon any outright

My boyfriend was like, “did they ever explain why the 26yr old model was in Pennsatucky?” (No pun intended)

Imagine if you will: you’re happily gorging along on chips and guac when all of a sudden . . .

Is this some next level hipster bullshit, where a person confesses to like something that has a huge following, as if it’s something special?

alright, tea time: i once was on the set of a film (hair and makeup dept, natch) where tilda was co-starring. frances mcdormand, the key hair stylist and myself were sitting all sitting and having lunch (literally, mixed green side salads from panera– i wanted a huge ass turkey sandwich but i adapted to my

Would it surprise you to learn that Tilda Swinton was made of pure sunshine?

I’m going to say this as nicely as possible, but there’s not a lot of nice words for this. The way you told this story was incredibly pretentious and the advice you gave was terrible. Congratulations on your pending nuptuals, and I’m glad you found the right person for you.

Even your tldr is tldr

Thank you for this.

And these “porn” mills are exactly what’s the problem with porn. Let’s get real here, if you want to do porn, it’s not like you’re going to walk into a legit place of a big porn producer and have a shot of getting hired. They’re going to need a resume, i.e. how much your shit sold when you were

See, the thing is, my husband read this book too and now is like “does this bring you joy?” and it’s like, no, this piece of tupperware is pretty joy-neutral, but not storing leftovers in my pocket is a net good. And I know that it’s summer and I won’t wear this red sweater for months, but I will in the fall and I

I wanna kiss their little snoots!

Summer classes, anyone? Calc III and diff eq for me, starting on Monday.