
That’s a shitty way to treat John Stockton.

“Moral of the story: If you find something you think somebody has lost or had taken from them, return it.”

The device Evans spent three years laboring to invent is a $400 WiFi-enabled tabletop machine that squeezes juice ... out of a bag of Juicero-brand juice. It squeezes bags of juice. It is a juice press that squeezes the juice ... out of bags of juice. Bags ... with built-in spouts ... that are filled with juice. Juice

Not every organization on the planet feels obligated to treat its relations with its workers as a zero-sum game. In fact, some of them give a basic level of respect to their employees such that if a policy is clearly counterproductive to the entire organization, it’s just eliminated instead of used as a cudgel to

Preach it Hannah, the DH is and always will be an abomination-an affront to God and man. Specialization sucks the joy out of the game. There is nothing more deflating than your team facing their pitcher with 2 outs and 2 on and he bloops a single to bring up the top of the order. The DH smells to me of T-ball rules.

Counterpoint: you’re wrong.

Wait, they have tape of Hulk Hogan nailing James Comey?

...I care deeply about privacy, treasure it.

Do you think this has anything to with uncorking? I’m wondering if in practice it would make the top of the bottle more likely to break or chip off.

Those boys are going to have that driveway as a bitching point for the rest of their lives.

Man, imagine these guys announcing Cavs-Rockets. “Harden for three—no good. Ah, he couldn’ care less, he’s having a ball, loves life and exercise.” “Out of bounds, they’re reviewing to see who touched it last. Doesn’t really matter, does it.”

did you see who we made president or

there’s actually a manual filter on every website ever. its called don’t click on shit you don’t wanna read.

If a business owner hasn’t planned for these realities in the first place, why should workers be the one to be punished for that poor planning?

Regulating scheduling practices is a recognition that workers are human beings and deserve not to live their lives constantly at the mercy of the changing scheduling whims of their low wage employers.

I know it’s kinda specific, but Apocalypse Sow would have been the better name.

That Tigers pregnant. Now how do you feel for fat-shaming her?