No fair. Jerry Jones’ rigor mortis gives him an advantage.
Don’t you mean A Tribe Called Kvetch?
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.
Ashley going to the Peggy Noonan/Tom Friedman Journalism By Talking To Randos School. I like it.
aka “first”
he can’t read yet
Andy Reid reaching into his pants to pull out his red challenge dildo
I’ll bet no one saw anything like this coming. Usually these public/private partnerships are great for both parties and a real positive for the surrounding community.
you go to a junior collenge
Well, the fact that KC fans dress like this in 2016 should tell you something.
You have to be so, so bored to care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...
It certainly didn’t help that Manfred referred to the meeting as a “powwow”.
Ben Bithop
“Aren’t you getting tired of these other nations embarrassing us?”
He then went on to discuss the advantages of a double reverse mortgage with the Tampa residents.
I know when I go into the voting booth I wonder what rich old men who made all their money off free labor would have me do.
Honey? Have you seen my key to the Internet?... It's a card... It has a little gold thing thing on it. Someone wrote on it in Sharpie... I don't know why they wrote on it... Yes, that does seem like an odd thing to do. Please, honey, focus. Have you seen it? It's importa... No, I'm not being short with you....…
But they were all of them deceived, for another card was made....