
They won’t turn off the cameras. The drone camera’s poor contrast will make it unable to film black people.

Honestly, I think I’d rather serve my time in a Swedish prison than live indefinitely in an Ecuadorian embassy. But I guess I’m not a rapist so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’s not damning but it is the Clinton campaign nixing relatively modest economic reforms to help the poor because of political optics. It would be damning if people actually thought Clinton cared about anything other than getting elected.

The forced brevity is actually Twitter’s strength, in my opinion. It forces users to get to the point. I couldn’t imagine something like a Twitter stream filled with paragraphs of god knows what drivel. With 140 characters even a dumb tweet barely wastes your time.

Especially if you obtain your media files in nefarious ways.

That’s easy to say after watching multiple angles in slo-mo. But in real speed with the receiver coming down from a leaping catch and the defender running to make the tackle it’s hard to say it’s intentional.

When will we finally start imprisoning these jerks for not respecting what our country stands for!!!!!

Everyone I know in Florida pronounces Miccosukee “MIK-OH-SOO-KI” not “MIK-OH-SUK-EE”

I mean can anyone prove we’re in time? Some leading astrophysicists think time is an illusion, yet even if time simply exists in the realms of our minds and we project it onto the universe are we not still engrossed in this projection? Trump is clearly provoking big questions.

I mean, not just the homeless. Why do I have to buy a pack of gum to take a piss?

This is literally entirely untrue. Federal rulemaking procedures require any new rules to have public comment period that lasts from 30 to 180 days depending on complexity. But I’m just a liberal retard to close minded to listen to people who speak out of their ass.

I’ve always wanted to eat a giant tortoise. According to sailors’ accounts from the 18th-19th century they were delicious. It took quite a while for them to be properly classified because no specimen survived the journey from the Galapagos back to Europe without being eaten.

NASCAR would do a lot better convincing me it’s a sport if the drivers didn’t have jowls and hydrate with Coca-Cola after a race.

I don't like Cam Newton because I went to UF and he had to go and be a dumbass and get kicked out leaving Tebow as our last great QB. Fuck Cam Newton.

Since mustard v. ketchup brings us to the topic of condiments, what are everyone’s thoughts on dill pickles/relish vs sweet pickles/relish? Personally, I will fucking stab someone for trying to put sweet relish on my hot dog. I wonder if there’s any correlation of people preferring (sugary ass) ketchup over mustard

If you’re using ketchup instead of tomatoes for the base of your barbecue sauce you can just go ahead and fuck right off.

Only Rob Liefeld could do a parody so poorly it became more famous than the original.

As a child I decided to be a Bengals fan because I liked the cartoon “ThunderCats.” Thank fucking god that didn’t stick.

To a prospective NFL athlete the best program is the one that best showcases your talents to scouts. No one is going to take your sports medicine degree more seriously b/c it’s from Michigan rather than Alabama, anyway.