
The one I don’t get is “Enter the black.” That just sounds frightening.


I have at least 27 points of contention with this so called article.

The same could probably be said of crawling on all fours. Doesn’t mean it should be a competitive sport.

25 years ago there wasn’t a summer Olympics. Check and mate.

This is my fat cat WHO LIVES IN FLORIDA and does just fine. So does Matt Duffy really care about Skeeter, or is he just looking to get a dog?

The Olde English bowmakers didn’t have epoxy! My pedantry will not be sated!!

Should’ve been called back for having 12 players on the field.

But sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words.

“I quarterbacked in Boston. Well, just outside Boston in Cambridge.”

One guy. Who murdered hundreds of people. Truly one of history’s greatest monsters.

They have a video of him having sex with Hulk Hogan and now Deadspin has nothing left to lose.

There’s a fan theory I read that Elliot is in a psych ward or prison and his new friend is simply another patient/prisoner. It would explain the strict regimen, why he eats all his meals with the same person, why he watches so much basketball, group meetings, etc. His room is also behind sliding pocket doors his

Team Rocket. By which I mean if I see the Pokemon Go app on your phone I shoot bottle rockets at you and tell you to get out of my yard.

I mean, what’s the alternative? At some point the game just has to fucking end and if you can’t pull ahead in 2 hours worth of regular play I say bring on the fucking penalties. They’re only ever used in tournaments anyway. In league play the team with the best record overall wins, why does it make sense for Cleveland

I don’t really think leaving your gun at the end of your driveway is a good analogy. Guns are inherently dangerous and as such ownership necessarily requires more responsibility. The danger from an unprotected wifi network isn’t as inherently apparent as an unsecured firearm. I think a better analogy would be if you

I don’t think the cure to our criminal justice woes is forcing white people into the same draconian sentences black and Hispanic people are regularly subjected to—it’s to stop sentencing everyone, regardless of race, to unnecessarily long and harsh sentences. This woman isn’t likely to re-offend and justice is best

If the knights of the Vale had shown up before the fight Ramsay could have just decided to stay inside the walls of Winterfell and withstand a siege which would have been hard for Jon, Little Finger, et al to sustain during winter.

I’m pressing F to pay my respects.

If you’re such a big Pete Rose fan then why did you use a photo of Steve Martin for the article!?