
In the Northeastern US it’s definitely the sport of choice among private school trust fund douchebags, neck and neck with crew.

How could you have possibly understood anything without the context provided by the first six Fast & Furious movies!?!?!?

I’m pretty sure I know what my dog likes. But I’m positive I know what he doesn’t like and that’s wearing a contraption on his back. And thunder.

$150,000? The Chinese would pay waaay more than that.

Most architects of her caliber are at the mercy of the ultra wealthy who are the only ones who can justify expending such huge sums for such groundbreaking and massive designs. So I can understand her reluctance to criticise but it’s still cowardice and putting self-interest above the suffering of others, though we’re

Someone posts something to this effect after almost every single Gizmodo link to a YouTube video, it’s a little more than tiring. But even more so when the video in question is cinematic critique focusing on visual and auditory techniques. No written article would ever be as remotely effective as the fifteen minute

Cuba has the most cost-effective healthcare system in the world, it’s still far from the “best.” They don’t have the money to invest in newer technology but they do have excellent medical staff. They certainly make our healthcare system look decadent but if I suffered a traumatic injury I’d much rather be in the US

I’m confused, is this studio recorded music from the artists who performed or live recorded music played at SXSW?

Was really expecting to hit a line where you mom made you move in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

Uh, search any Disney movie title + “porn” and I’m certain you’ll get thousands of results. I don’t know why it will be any worse for Zootopia.

Ugh, fucking Jim Morrison fans are the worst.

They’re little animations that playfully display the synth settings. Like the sub one is a submarine and as you change settings certain aspects of what the submarine is doing change.

It isn’t an issue in other industrialized nations where healthcare isn’t mostly provided through employers.

“For a pile of sand, you’ll need some wind or tapping to make it move.”

Please do Shimmer & Shine for the next one! The main character, Leah, is a normal girl who is friends with (owns?) two genies. Every time they grant her a wish she complains that it’s off in some manner and they apologize! I mean have some goddamn appreciation.

Even crazier is why anyone in fucking New Hampshire even thinks there’s anything in their state terrorists would find worth attacking?! Are they afraid of the Mt.Washington Cog Railway being hijacked?

The simple fact is it’s much cheaper to invest in solving these problems now than to wait until they become major problems.

The article is a bit sensationalist. It says typically a man has a 4-in-200 chance of passing on genetic disorder, after age 50 it’s a 5-in-200 chance. While that’s statistically significant it’s not really a huge increase in risk.

Every four years I always forget how incredibly depressing it is when these early primary states put “real voters” under the microscope. These people are goddamn morons.

It doesn’t work, which is why the GOP is in such a state of disarray. For years, going back to the Southern Strategy, they’ve recognized that they can attract votes by preying on voters’ fears of “the other”—whether they be blacks or Hispanics or feminists or gays and transexuals. At the same time they’ve been