
I grew up a Mets fan because Florida didn’t have a baseball team and fuck the Braves but started rooting for the Marlins when they started playing. I’m finally fucking sick of them and Loria especially, I’ll go back to rooting for the Mets in the NL East and I’ll just be a Rays fan to represent Florida.

I definitely agree. I worked in state government and there was always a push to spend the entire budget because coming in under budget would result in a decreased budget next year (even if budget savings were the result of an anomaly which wouldn’t necessarily occur next year). And I don’t disagree that the general

I don’t think military leadership is that huge of a problem on the issue; in this case three generals wanted to kill the project. Sure some are looking to leave for the more financially lucrative pastures of the military-industrial complex but most joined to serve and would rather gain rank than dollars. The problem

There has to be oversight and organization, though. You wouldn’t believe the headaches encountered when I worked in state government and trying to get all the counties and cities on the same system for a criminal justice project. They had all hired different contractors and many had proprietary systems which couldn’t

Like the brass are going to risk pissing off the CEOs of KBR or DynCorp and having Senators and Congressmen raining fire on their asses.

Now playing

It’s clearly a case of Helvetica Scenario. Of course you wouldn’t know with your terrible American science education.

I mean seriously, McConnell is so liberal that he unanimously won a vote amongst Senate Republicans to be their leader? If that’s the case then Senate Republicans are all bigger fucking morons than you are.

Because if an honest to god high speed rail system existed between LA and Vegas your 4-5 hour commute at highway speeds would be a 1 hour trip on a high-speed railway.

Train ridership is heaviest in Democratic districts, so good luck getting increased funding from a Republican Congress!

What the fuck are you talking about McConnell and Graham being liberal? You don’t know shit about politics.

I didn’t know that. But you’re still going to have to wait till you return to port for an investigation to begin and at that point evidence may be contaminated or proper chain of custody not applied. Granted, it’s a small risk but it could make an already terrible situation horrendous.

To steal from Sartre, “Hell is other people, on a cruise ship.”

I will ashamedly admit that I have used instant grits on occasion. But generally if you’re cooking a full breakfast if you start the grits first they’ll be done before you can finish cooking all the bacon, eggs, toast, and what not.

The issue is that in international waters it’s often difficult to seek justice for sexual assault and the cruise lines would rather most of the cases be swept under the rug than fully investigated.

It’s pretty simple. Veterans don’t have massive lobbying arms and bags full of cash to throw at politicians.

Just read David Foster Wallace’s “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” if you get the hankering to take a cruise.

You shut your dumb fucking mouth grits are awesome. (—A southerner living in the north who can’t find decent grits anywhere.)

Aw man those jailhouse guys are dicks. I bet they got him with the old PEN15 club joke and it says “LIFETIME PENIS LOVER.”

Jesus you’re dumb.

Jesus Christ no. Republicans and Democrats are both divided on the issues. You have the libertarian wing of Republicans against this, like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, but then there is Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell along with Tom Cotton trying to make NSA bulk collection permanent. (If it isn’t extended by