
There are actually some newer studies out linking depression and inflammation. It’s nothing proven yet but it’s hopeful to see a mental disorder linked to a physical ailment.

The football teams at major institutions of higher footballing (FSU, Alabama, USC, Notre Dame, OSU, etc.) always make more than enough profit to cover the coaches salaries, probably in athletic booster donations alone. Unfortunately making academia a more compelling career choice will require more systemic changes

All that matters to a famous person is that someone will.

Ooof. The guy who stayed while his date was banging Isaac Brock. I just don’t know. It’s admirable he stayed so he could give her a ride home but Jesus there’s only so much humiliation a person should have to endure. And I’m not a puritan or anything, if I had a girlfriend and she wanted to fuck the lead singer of a

They’re probably just upscaled SD versions. Or a fake liked the 720p copy that hit usenet and it’s just a tubby guy shaking his head on a loop for an hour, but it is in glorious 720p.

I meant it more as it'd be really spooky to stumble upon a pile of decomposing bodies in a forest.

The boy scouts hiking through those woods might not feel the same.

Others have shown you can do it in three by cutting each link in the first chain and using it to connect the remain 3-link segments together.

How do they test the ants for carbon 13? Do they have tiny ant syringes? (They grind up ants, don’t they?)

A bit of an important fact for hunting turkey, there are four types/breeds of turkey: Eastern, Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Osceola. Kill all four and it's a "grand slam." According to… most of the birds in California are Rio Grandes and Merriam's turkeys.

The only person this woman has to blame for giving out a lifetime of blowjobs and not getting reciprocal tongue lashings is herself. DON'T FUCK WITH GUYS THAT WON'T GO DOWN and soon they will surely be the minority of men.

But 20 years from now you won't be able to buy a candy bar for €5.

It's just sad because you know in 20 years that robot is going to be obsolete and probably relocated to a sketchy German sex club giving robojobs for €5.

Saved as "magnum p eyebrows.gif"

I don't want to be insulting to Patrick but I really want to see Leo Wichtowski review this one.

I only starred b/c of your gif. That soft g bullshit is nonsense.

Most of my dropbox space is taken up by gifs so I can just copy them and paste into iMessage chats.