
I used to love playing AirWarrior, WarBirds, and Aces High back in the day. I even bought a fairly pricey CH Products joystick. I'd love to get back into it but I'm waiting until someone makes a VR headset that's widely supported before I do.

He really needs Eugene Mirman in a kind of Andy Richter on Conan role. The Star Talk podcasts with Mirman are always amazing.

He won on a technicality, the best most exciting way to win!

I remember replaying that bit at least 10 times when I rented Meet Joe Black (& remember Blockbuster?!). Best part of the movie.

At the heart of the need to document everything is the fear of mortality. The fear that when your memories fade and your loved ones' memories fade they'll be nothing left to prove you ever existed. That all we are is a temporary collection of sentient subatomic particles in a vast and indifferent universe no more

Occidental College is pretty vague, too. It could be anywhere from Europe to Hawaii.

"We're very famous in New Zealand."

That's the double-edged sword of pie snatching: snatch too many pies and you'll be too fat to get away with snatching anymore but the fewer pies you snatch the more likely you are to get away with that sweet, sweet pie!

Measuring a flaccid penis is kind of like quantum physics because you don't know if you changed the outcome by (touching it and) measuring it.

Like a Joy Division album cover from an alternate reality where Ian Curtis was gay.

Broadband internet is hardly a free market. There's been long standing unspoken agreements that keep cable providers from encroaching on each other's territory. And when a company holds a virtual monopoly it has no incentive to reinvest its profits on costly fiber installation.

What do you make of Leslie Aiello's Expensive Tissue Hypothesis (ETH)? The idea that by eating meat and eventually processing it (by pounding flat or cooking over fire) led to smaller gut sizes in human ancestors and larger brains? I assume it fits somewhat nicely with OFT, especially if one assumes early hominids

Last I remembered there was still some lively academic debate about whether feudalism was actually real, at least in the sense we imagine it. Certainly in the early medieval period people were less concerned about class and more concerned about who could murder the shit out of each other. In essence, class didn't

But at the same time of day. If the first half going up is difficult to ascend and the first half going down is easy to descend then they wouldn't be at the exact middle point at the exact same time of day.

Is it that he was at the beginning of the trail at 7 AM and the end at 7 PM? Not literally the same location but semantically maybe?

NBC is not renewing the show. They already cut the order short. It's Syfy or cancellation.

To be fair the water started it when it was all like, "What's your problem bro, y don't u like bein' wet all the time?"

Ryan better hope he doesn't get fired again: there aren't many teams with jerseys darker than Buffalo's blue.