
It's not the experts work that is being criticized, it's the politicians, bureaucrats, and military-industrial corporate interests who are being scrutinized. Will the F-35 eventually work? Yes, although I don't think it will be able to fulfill all the roles it's currently slated to. But every citizen has a right to

I'd attribute that more to the Rift not being prevalent enough to devote time to in an already crunched development cycle. I don't think the Rift is there, yet, but I think it's very close. I mostly play FPS and combat flight sims and I'd love to have the freedom to just look around.

Receivers used to brag about one-handed catches but this motherfucker just upped the game not even using all of his fingers.

Jesus Christ. It's funny to watch a bunch of gamer dudes think they've been schooled by a little girl. I guess GameStop got a little greedy trying to make it go viral, I think it would have been a better video if they revealed it to the people who got beat at the end but is this really about ethics in video game

Hydrogen doesn't actually pose as great a fire risk as gasoline. Since it's lighter than air any puncture which catches fire burns vertically. Gasoline on the other hand spreads since it's not the liquid petrol that burns but the fumes. See:…

The biggest reason I've never made the leap to consoles from PC gaming is that I love first-person shooters and I could never switch my mouse for a thumb joystick. If someone made a way to use a mouse or even better a gun-type controller that actually worked (by making the in-game gun aim where the gun-controller was

I think if there's anyone who can claim to be more disadvantaged than someone from Flint it's probably someone from Uganda. Baleke's boxing lessons started when she couldn't come up with $8 to pay for lessons but her gym trained her anyhow.

I stopped watching wrestling when I was 10 or 11 and went to a match (I think the top billing was Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair) and saw how horribly fake and cheesy it was. But I still love to read wrestling journalism, the actual backstories are usually so much more interesting than all the cheesy soap opera shit that was

As a Dolphins fan I hate Tom Brady, but at least he can say he never raped anybody.

It seems really unfair that the NFL can make a league-wide endorsement deal which overrules preexisting individual endorsement deals. The owners are already making the most money, at the very least those with preexisting endorsement deals shouldn't be grandfathered in.

Turns out I think Harris is innocent now! Suck it, Driskell!

As a Gator fan I spent the whole game thinking "If only we had our accused rapists!" so it's just shitty feelings all around.

Look, we here at the NCAA understand your anger but you have to understand how seriously we take such violations. The student-athlete title underlies all our profits and we simply can't allow our players to engage in such crass endangerment of our potential profit margin. Also rape is bad, I guess?

As a Gator fan I don't know what to think. I'm sure losing to LSU will clarify things for me.


The punishment isn't for yelling "fuck her right in the pussy" in a crowded area of campus, it's for continuing to draw negative press. Because the NCAA can't keep up the facade of the noble student-athlete when they're giving the Heisman to the biggest fucking moron alive. You would think that someone who got away

It checks out.

I'm not an early adopter but I've been playing WWII flight sims since Air Warrior III and War Birds ("Drop the drunks!"). I cannot fucking wait until VR hits mainstream. I'll probably become a recluse playing whatever massively multiplayer WWII flight sim is the most popular.

I'm Southern and I was raised to be a gentleman, but I'm also liberal and a feminist. I always pay for the first couple dates, open doors, share my jacket, listen well, draw cute cartoons of baby animals, etc. So I think I'm pretty good at wooing without being a creep. But where I really excel is being terrified about

Oh my god Two and Half Men would be so amazing if it turned into an absurdist comedy about two men who slowly come to realize through a sham marriage that their hyperheterosexuality and goofy antics are just a cover for their deeply repressed homosexual desires.