Only if your Mormon.
Only if your Mormon.
Deadline is reporting NBC picked up "Football Rain Delay" for 13 episodes with the option for a back nine. (This joke would kill on Defamer.)
To be fair, the original fight song is so fucking terrible that it's amazing.
I went to my first Dolphins game as an infant. My second Dolphins game was Dan Marino's last game where he got destroyed by the Jaguars. The fucking Jaguars.
Can you seriously blame him? If I was a rich asshole I'd have my own rally team, too.
I thought they closed them when a tourist or two was run over a couple years ago. Maybe it was a different beach.
My dad was a cop in Daytona Beach back when you could drive on the beach and he frequently had to deal with cars in the surf. When the owners (usually Midwesterners) returned to find their car being towed out of the water they'd become furious and demand to know how the police were going to catch the person(s) who…
I guess if I drove a Civic I wouldn't care if I lived or died either.
I know I this should make me want to stop eating meat... but instead it makes me want to eat as much as I can while there's still some debate.
The program is worth continuing, yes, but there's no need to actually produce it if it's fucking broken, right? Make a few prototypes and when those work reliably then spend billions manufacturing.
If I recall correctly it has to be ingested to be effective, how is that going to repel mosquitoes?
I'll second TuneIn Radio app. If you're local affiliate offers internet streaming you can listen to your local station anywhere you have a signal. You can also set it up to record shows so you can listen to them later. Tons of great features.
But what about the players that want to beat up on queers? Acceptance and tolerance are bullying to the intolerant, which I think was Peter Wolfgang's point. Or something.
Just imagine it as a bar graph going from 2002 on the left to 2012 on the right BUT twisted clockwise from the bottom until the end of 2012 ended up at 11:59.
Yes, I'm sure the artist was referencing obscure paleontological infighting and not some simpler explanation. But that link was also very interesting so I apologize for my bitchy sarcasm.
It might be racist to imply that Mongoloid* skulls share the characteristic epicanthic folds found on their faces but in this case I think it's clear the artist is using anatomically incorrect skulls to create a likeness of famous people. As such, changing the skull so as to create a portrayal of the epicanthic fold…
If I recall correctly there are studies that prove hearing only one half of a conversation, like a phone call, is particularly distracting. But I guess it's great publicity on how his app can annoy the fuck out of people on a plane.
Finally, an excuse when someone asks if I want to hold their baby. "Get that little racist away from me!"
The venerable Adam Curtis (BBC documentarian behind Pandora's Box, The Century of the Self, The Power of Nightmares, etc.) had a bit about Ghostwatch on his blog at the BBC not too long ago. The interesting part is that Curtis, like everything else he does, extrapolates how Ghostwatch affected how people perceive…
Bringing back Keith Moon from the dead would only be slightly less impressive than the opening ceremonies in Beijing.