A. Nonymous Gadfly

It’s odd that universities and the NCAA refuse to pay college athletes, considering all these old white guys seem convinced money is the only reason anyone does anything.

On the plus side, we can take a break from the incomprehensible vileness of this man to laugh at how fucking hard he’s projecting:

Some people will do anything for family.

He’s also a bad cousin.

Maybe she tripped and fell into it. I have a similar story from one time when I was vacuuming naked.

I’m starting to get this feeling that Rudy Giuliani is not a great husband.

But they have more dignity and class.

I really like what Rachel had to say about the whole thing and that she wasn’t afraid to call him out for being out of touch.

The original Tony tweet was so weird, because if Rachel Bloom wasn’t a famous person he had met and he haden’t made a mistake, then it would just be rude and weird instead of being rude and clueless.

So he’s like a camgirl with a wishlist?

For all the bullshit spewing from their mouths, that was an absolutely artful boulder drop onto a tiny target. Kudos to the bobcat operator.

Listen, obey and ask no questions.

all the other treasonous old monsters plucked from around the Forbidden Forest and random gateways of Hell.

trump ran for president to be elected king, and nearly every source of strife since being elected revolves around the fact that government is not designed to simply do whatever the president says. pardoning, however, gives him the illusion of ultimate power, specifically over someone’s life, which is all he was really

Thanks and yes, I was intentionally lowballing that number to illustrate that if Republicans are so much about law and order, they’d obviously do something about bad cops if they’re doing as much as they are to stop a statistically non-existent problem.

Racism is not a river. A river, unmolested, has many benefits to those in and around it. Racism is a cesspool, a cancerous tumor and shouldn’t be compared to anything more.

What are you nuts? In NYC alone the city paid out a billion dollars to settle cases, largely police misconduct cases, IN ONE YEAR. And that’s only after cases make it through the uphill battle of accusing a cop. There are many good ones, but the culture is dirty.

I wish every person alive could feel shocked and hurt when another person is intentionally mean. In a kinder world, you know, where meanness isn’t the norm...

Rose exists to give Finn a soft landing once Rey dumps his ass for Kylo Ren.

Kroenke does not own the Dome, the St. Louis Visitors Convention Commission owns it and they are the one’s technically at fault. But yes, that is a joke and very cheap on their part to operate that way... have you seen their Shop•Vac?