A. Nonymous Gadfly

It’s been this way for decades so nothing different from what I can tell. Hell, if the U.S. didn’t get mad at Saudi Arabia after 9-11, we never will.

Or he only had the 1st edition, which is vastly inferior.

I came here with “How to avoid huge ships” on my clipboard, but you beat me to it.

No offense to anyone, but Kanye looks like one of those teens you see in adoption and foster care pamphlets.

A US resident was murdered by a dictator and we don’t even have ambassadors to the countries involved. No wonder we’re the laughingstock of the UN.

My house is in a heavily forested area and relatively remote. It’s a place where people might take a camping trip into the forest for the weekend and then freshen up and have brunch in town on Sunday.

I told a very condensed version of this in a comment to one of the Jez horror story posts maybe about five? years ago, so I’m officially submitting this now. Now with bonus pics. 

Thanks. I can’t even tell you how terrifying it was. I thought he was going to strangle me to death with that telephone cord. I still can’t handle anyone touching my neck. I try to present a very calm cool and collected I’ve-got-my-shit together demeanor at all times, but watching Dr. Ford testify in front of those

Oh my god, I’m so so sorry :( Jedi hugs if you want them even though they are woefully inadequate when one is raped in one’s own home (ask me how I know). That is so awful.

Jesus Christ on a cracker. This is the scariest thing I have read today. I am so sorry this happened to you and applaud you were able to write it down and talk about it.

Follow up: just now, thinking about this story, I went to look at the registry of deeds for the town I grew up in. They’ve got everything digitized now, so I was able to look up the closing paperwork for the house. There, my parents both signed, as did a notary, but the witness section?

Aw, it’s nice your mom thought that. I would think he’s a murderer coming to kill my whole family in our sleep, but that’s the pessimist in me.

Oh, my God. On multiple, multiple levels, I am so sorry all of this happened to you.

I blocked him but hung on to the texts/videos for awhile just in case. He 100% doesn’t know where I live. Thank goodness.

This is so real and is my constant nightmare. Dating is scary. Underrated story. I hope you blocked him right away and he doesn’t know where you live. 

Senior year of high school-in the eighties. My parents had moved our family to this godforsaken desert city from the Midwest the middle of my junior year. I was a fish out of water; often quite literally. Left my boyfriend in the Midwest; my first true love. We spent a few months with feverish phone calls, long love

Dude won’t remember anyways.  Had too many beers.  He liked beer.  He still likes beer.

This is kind of scary, but the scariest part of this story is how awful my taste in men was/is.

Hey, if you cockwallopers are going to treat women like it’s 1699, then sure, why DON’T we throw Kavanaugh into the river to see if God will help him float, huh? Go on! Press him under a few boulders, while we’re at it— he’ll sure talk to the FBI then! If you cunts really want to go back to when you think America Was

He was between the tackles, though, so they’ll start calling Donald for intentional grounding.