A. Nonymous Gadfly

This was a chapter-leading example in my sixth-grade science book that Mr. Thompson spent an ungodly amount of time on.  Can confirm.  Not a heating action, but a mixing one.

How’s Griffen’s career? Is there film somewhere? Wiki says he had a pretty impressive (? I don’t know stats!) High School career, so maybe that was some of the early “demon” stuff?

This all points to a serious and long-term mental issue, on top of which we’re positing CTE?  He had that career, so if we’re doing the CTE

More than anything, I’m glad officers got him (peacefully) to the hospital.  Those situations, I know from my own experiences, can be awfully hairy.

They’ve got the feudalism to boot.  They own the whole damn TOWN?

I’m sure Mr. Harriot knows this, but in the civil suit brought by the King family, the U.S. courts found the U.S. GOVERNMENT LIABLE FOR KING’S DEATH.

So in addition to your very appropriate all-caps shout to the internet heavens, let us also remember that Dr. King lost his life not only to white supremacists, but with

NB: Second paragraph:  “Food panties.”  Food panties?

I don’t mean a matter of more or less processed, but different processes. Oreos were first made decades after Hydrox, during which time processed food simply changed. I think it’s likely Oreos benefit from having a choice of kinds of processing to make them appealing. Not more or less, but different.

Hydrox is an older recipe, so it isn’t as nuanced as the processed crunch/smooth of an Oreo. Taken on its own merits, and stacked up against other old-school pre-Oreos from its day, it’s a damn fine cookie. Also, I think it’s natural sugar, if that’s your thing.

If Oreo isn’t playing fair, I’d be pissed.  I like ‘em,

Chump knows what plays with his crowd, but he’s doing this, I think, in part, to tune that. He’s not that sharp, but he can tell what lines get the biggest responses; that’s how he builds new bits to riff on, I’d wager.

So it’s narcissism AND strategy.  Gross.

I was a humanities TA at USC from around 2010-2015. Consistently, I found that women in my general education classes were taking it more seriously and outperforming the men. There were plenty of bright students of both sexes (and all genders), but reflecting on it, my impression is that there were more men who were

I question the notion that a man who has just been tased is ‘passively resisting,’ so much as ‘jolted into a state of non-compliance.’ It’s horrific that they would blast Odembo and then immediately expect him to be ABLE to comply. It’s a feature I’ve seen in many of these cases, though.

I know, right? Well said. The complete lack of subtlety, the utter, I wonder whether he was any good as an attorney if this is how he makes a case. Worse, he was making a living in MANHATTAN at it. Who is buying this guy’s bullshit?

Well, was, I guess....

I’m more concerned when some right-wing nutball gets ahold of the Prez’s Twitter and stages a fake coup, Orson Welles “War of the Worlds” style.

The possibilities for a stochastic terror attack by hijacking these low-security communications are horrifying, to me at least.

Remember the old joke about the guy who crashed his RV because he set the cruise control and went in the back make a sandwich? I feel like with all of these systems we’re trying to square a circle of “Pay less attention and let the machine make you complacent! But don’t pay too little attention, or you could die at

That sounds solid. Can never argue with a good grilled salmon.

88 Jeep Cherokee. We moved from Long Island to the wilderlands, got stuck one winter in our old Volvo, and mom said “Never again.”

As a front-wheel drive driver, I’ve always appreciated how badass ma’s old Jeep was.

That is probably one of the greater tragedies of this turn of his. For those of us fighting that particular fire, this is going to be a problem for a long, long time.

“Trump” has meant fart for CENTURIES.

Oof. They could maybe make that case. The father would be SUPER-liable of a judge buys it.