A. Nonymous Gadfly

That, and I think the humans capable of thinking on the President’s legal team believe Giuliani can rein the President in. After all, he speaks crazy.

Say it with me: Police investigate and apprehend, Courts and the Judicial system punish. Beatings are fucking barbaric street justice and represent an overuse of State-sanctioned violence. The police are civilians and need to be held accountable—assaulting someone is assaulting someone.
Your impatience, especially if

More people outside of New York need to know about Tenney. NY22 is a big chunk of upstate New York, but it’s sparsely populated—except around the University and College Towns. Tenney’s awful and there’s grassroots energy to be tapped to flip that seat.

...that deposition testimony means that when the President threatened Comey with tapes in a tweet after Comey’s firing, he was literally repeating an old ploy.

Words have history and life. “Trump” for instance, used to mean a joker, a fool, or a fart. 800 years changes things.

Oh, and back then they used the word ‘awesome’ for running into the ineffable presence of GOD ALMIGHTY, so maybe Neil can take it down a notch.

Pence is a rabidly anti-gay “Jesus talks to me” conservative. He will have some difficulty winning in 2020, so there’s one way to get rid of him.

But if the charges that end up flying against Donnie include Obstruction, the question of who knew what, when will become important. It could very well be that Pence knew

It’s surreal to hear Martin Sheen pitching that first-gen Avalon. Such a performer giving his all to pitch...meh.

I think that they have drunk their own koolaid for so long, and lived in a society where money and worth and therefore intelligence and wisdom are supposedly tied together, that they are incapable of performing basic critical self-analysis that would let them see that yeah, they’re pretty shitty human beings.

I feel like a limping, shuffling zombie gait is about the best the Clinton Machine could manage towards a “run” at this point.

Though that wouldn’t be the sort of thing to stop them.

The question isn’t about our experience. The question is about the SHAREHOLDERS. These things have changed ownership; who got those billions for brands? Bet they’re happy.

Shoppers get to see the ground level decline of places as the moneylords bleed them dry. You should SEE the new infinity pool, though.

“We have to stop looking up at and idolizing people who may be our betters financially have more than us, but are absolutely morally bankrupt.”

FTFY: There’s nothing ‘better’ about ‘em.

Wait. Didn’t this fellow peddle vodka at some point?

The pageantry of the modern national anthem (HUGE flags, anyone?) at NFL games is the product of government intervention. Department of Defense sponsors it, and it is nationalist propaganda that ramped up during the War on Terror(tm).

Single term, too. Half the time. His son’s a better example. W before and after is pretty stark.

Great point. Someone with time or interest could cross-check with friends of actors or see what else was shooting on a lot.

I suddenly feel better for having married (and divorced) a narcissist. I mean, I had to clean out LA’s fashion district for enough bolts of cloth to make all the red flags in my relationship, but this is one for the freakin’ AGES.

Throwing this out here: the gist of this question seems to be “Would you choose to rape an animal four times a year for perfect human relationship?”

Thank you for your article. The dynamic at its core: the treatment of darker-skinned people of color, particularly Black women, has been studied and reported on and—survey says—what you and others with your complexion have been saying for generations is, shockingly, true.

Theory: This is a point of evidence for what historians, sociologists, et al. would call a “generation shift.” An icon of the Left is, to people on the Left, so out of date that we could say that a torch has legitimately passed.