
Way to go...Yesterday I just posted the video shwoing its capabilities on facebook for all my friends to see. I actually ridded my phone of this garbage about a year ago. They first showed up on custom roms but eventually Developers got rid of iit when they realized it was logging things down. But no 1 knew how deep

To be honest I'd Be one pissed off dude if they did this....They should just stick it out, and start to rolling out Wimax 2 to heavily jump up the Peak download and Upload speeds. I bought a wimax Evo, for the Technology of wimax to be thrown to the side becuz of LTE? Sprint only fucking doomed itself by going behind

i hope its that they stop being dicks and capping their wimax to a low ass speed and say "Wimax 2 is here"

@telepheedian: Hey Ive ran 16Gb on 3g alone and i didnt get charged extra with sprint. Its all truely unlimited. Right now my biggest gripe with wimax is the redundancy they have running. Wimax has got to have alot of redundancy to provide coverage to ppl even in buildings. Its really a bitch trying to catch a solid

Awe man that ending was classic...Had me rolling hysterically

Now this app is tracking them in real time? N if thats true n pretty accurate all it takes is one seriously genius Terrorist to connect his/her iphone with some stinger missile n its CABLOUEY!! for the flight he should choose.

@Kirkaiya: For battery life to be maximized they have to something dynamic for every cell phone...A standard should be having a solar cell built on the phone somewhere very small just continually provide a juice to phone, along with the battery, and probably make the casing of the phone itself into a battery

So maybe 60 or 70 billion out of that stimulus fund could have gotten the infrastructure of our country able to hand out at least 1Mb download and upload to the whole country or to rural parts...There is something more to this as to why they dropped this. If you want better you pay for better....even a 100 billion in

@snownpaint1: Thats the problem with these chicken egg questions that come up everytime the come up with a new theory on the big bang...we just dont know n will never have a solid answer.... The faith inspired in me says, if you havent been able to answer the chicken or egg answer to this day then that means

Gingerbread is gonna be revamped along with the UI.... what im looking for in changes in the UI are this:

So the Blu ray drive on the System was 3D ready....Because it seems like other companies are making Blu-ray drives specifically for 3D, as if the Discs themselves are different from regular blu ray discs? I can see the processor handling 3d content but what about the drive.

@morphoyle: I think the best alternative for tablets right now is for Swype to be installed on them...Swype can really make any Tablet a little more productive and easier to type on.

@somidscr21: The 1.50 is for the blu ray dvds they are offering.

5 bucks for movie rentals....we can go to a near by redbox and be satisfied with blu-ray and regular dvds for up to a 1.50? their really need to charge that much or are we paying for quality and use of Apple?

@Captian_Caveman: Just like the Torch didnt fly off the shelves the Palm Pre didnt fare so well in popularity as the time went on....Thats the kind of comparison i was trying to make. That if Palm reinvents the webOS big time and mates it to some strong hardware it will reinvent itself better then RIM could have done

Man I always loved fiddling around with the WebOS when it came out on Pre's. It was just flawless, what multitasking should have been. On an Android its just not fluid, but the Palm Pre showed that multitasking could be fluid. I let in to all the negative comments and just the lack of good hardware, and stayed away

george Lucas is on a roll with his copyright....his company is protective as all hell

@AnonymousAA: Might i add, it is becoming a joyous addition to many others lives

Cant say accidental, But I will say one of the greatest inventions.....Adobe Fash 10.1 on mobile phones....

@AnonymousAA:On an additional note I cant wait till someone Breaks thru Froyo on the Evo 4G and provides root.