
Dammit....When Google says Froyo has tethering and Wifi Tethering Natively....Then For christs sake make sure its open and ready to use without these damn Carriers blocking out specific features...This is really pissing me off. Its sad, that i pay 10.00 extra on my plan for the EVO 4g to have truely unlimited mobile

@Seventhexile Speaks: Most definately a major win....Thats was one of the biggest reasons I dropped interest on the PSP since it first came out.....I just felt you couldnt really enjoy a PSP if it didnt have that Dual Joystick feel to it. It was an integral part of the Playstation experience, since they first debuted

@SKiTz: To be honest the 3.2 inch and 624MHz was the thing that turned me off the most to this phone. I was really thinking RIM would pull off a 4G blackberry torch when specs were leaking.....If it had 4G and a way better screen it might have caught my attention

You know, I'm not regretting one bit that I had purchased the HTC Evo 4G but i can say I am happy about this news. Our phones are gonna get a major rework on how involved they are gonna be in our lives with this processing power...The misery behind this all for me is the fact these chips are gonna be lined up with

Im not feeling the 512 MB RAM thing....god they should start pumping out phones of this calibre with more then 512 RAM...all phones should have a Gig or more of RAM. It would make these phones run so much more effortlessly. I get the feeling those of us who commit to phones like these are gonna have trouble running

@iamgrady: yep justifiable to the banks that funded boths sides of the war also

@Jared904: Lmao way to rub in and continue the foxconn traditions...

@dtownkid21: I dont know but I'd Swear they are opening up in smaller markerts before major metro areas to see how the network holds up...I live in the NY tristate area and Have been dying for them to drop 4G service over here......its agonizing to wait.

@Bucky Rodgers: Hostile is not the word my friend. Lol...I even had sprint Supervisors, on customer service calls, come right in after the representative finished. He introduced himself and said he is evaluating his performance and would like to know if his employee helped me, solved the issue, and was courteous at

@Mike Worldcrusher: And this very picture you show my Friend should be broadband for everyone...AT LEAST.

Finally if they could only start channeling funds from Nonsensical government projects and agendas, and start putting it towards building and expanding the infrastructure to give broadband for everyone. Finally a cause that at least shows we worry about our citizens and not the rest of the world for once.

@SmarchHare: You know wat 3D can make things so much more interesting but its the economic side of once again changing our electronics to facilitate this trend. I mean our broadband infrastructure needs a major reboot to pipe thru the data it takes to transmit TV in 3D. Mind you we are still arguing in congress on

@CaptainJack: lmao....Omg this had to be the best story on the explaination of how a human was led to a sex change.

The shitty part about Android or iOS is how either the carrier or maker of the phone wants to keep inventive and unique apps from flooding their devices. This is all comes down to Data Usage, these guys wanna control and know whats bypassing their Standard software and firmware to allow Wifi Tethering and tethering in

@liebermojo: This is the greatest connection to this whole heist, thay you have made. N i can only imagine Meeker fucking up somewhere in this whole plan...lolol

@Architectin: Much like the ones you would see behind Wile E Coyote?

@AveSharia: But its effective no matter how ugly it is in disguising the tower completely. I cant count how many times I've passed by a tower like this, and upon passing it i mistaken it for a tree of the surrounding area. Its merely disguised to focus attention off of it, and works for the average passerby in a car.

@Adam-H: If the sky is falling then we'd better start cranking up Darwin's theories of evolution and figure a way to grow space breathing lungs and bodies like suits of astronauts

And i Got bashed for even defending IP4 users in regards to this issue, on the MIND THE GAP article. Plz Apple take ownership for your mistake, fix and redesign, then give every IP4 user a new one before you go international.....cuz like i say HTC RIM and NOKIA know what they are saying and doing

@mtfmuffins: Regardless nice discussion. Got to love being part of it and gizmodo ,even tho i could tell the harshness of some of the comments, still I leave out being more informed.