
Yeah that would make things easier.

Lol nice. I mean yeah being in random groups doesn't make any sense. The only thing I can think of is that it's on groups of however many people he's killed in one fight. I mean when you think about it, doing it that way sort of makes sense. But other than that, no idea.

Lol no idea. The tally marks are probably a lot easier than something more intricate. Plus 404 skulls? No matter how small or generic they are, it's gonna take a lot of time to paint those on. I never noticed that the tally marks were in different groups, just that it was more than 5 like usual. Anyway, might just be

Oh. Lol didn't know that was a thing. Guess it's true. Stuff like that just gets me going, which I suppose is the point sometimes.

Yeah it really does. Most of the shows I love now, if I hadn't watched past the pilot, I probably wouldn't have gotten into.

I have no idea what that is…

Maybe the number of people he's killed in one fight? Like, he's killed 9 people in this fight, 5 in that fight, and 10 in another?

Really? Because every show has to have a political undertone right? Did you consider that maybe the barons banished all guns exactly because they give everyone equal protection? This show just proves that not everyone needs a gun to protect themselves, or to kill hundreds of people for that matter. Either enjoy the

Obviously. Men have to look manly, and the only way to do that is to take their shirts off. Lol.

Yeah that's true. I just meant you can't really do both. And with something like this, you sort of have to take the time to set up the world so people understand what's going on

I hadn't really thought about that. How that one flaw likely means they won't have the same goals anyway. But I was just trying to think of a situation in which someone might vote for them. Personally, I would never vote for a homophobic candidate. Ever. Because it is so against everything I stand for. But I'm sure

So the first episode is supposed to make you immediately fall in love with the characters? That's not very realistic… The first episode, while it can make you fall in love, also has to set up the world in which the show is set. Something that is absolutely necessary, especially with a show set in an alternate, or

The show itself explicitly states he doesn't have super-strength. So I'm going with that. I'd state the episode but I kind of binged on that first season so I have idea which one they said it in.

We have been talking about it. A lot…

No he didn't. They were bare

that makes sense, and sorry if i went off a little. had a bit of an off week so far. I just meant that my original comment was supposed to be a joke, no to spark a political debate.

haha true! i don't think he's THAT fast though…

yeah I'm not really sure what the blur is. maybe heat, light, something.

Yeah it was established he doesn't have super-strength. But super-strength really doesn't have anything to do with catching a bullet. If he had caught a car then yes it would've taken me out of the story, but with a bullet, his hand is moving at the same speed as the bullet is, plus a bullet is very light weight, so

my original comment was trying not to offend anyone, which is another thing i hate about today's society - people being so afraid of offending someone. i was specifically trying not to spark a heated debate about politics, because like i said, i hate politics. with a passion, and this is why. so thank you to everyone