
I hate politics, I really do, and this is one of the reasons why. Because people always try to spin everything you say. Yes supporting bigots probably makes you a bigot. But imagine if you will a candidate who's every goal aligns with yours, but with the only flaw being that they're homophobic (which I will agree is a

Oh ok. Huh I hadn't really thought of any of that before, but it makes a lot of sense now. I guess I just thought the speed force was what that blur was, but hadn't realized that blur was heat and whatnot. It's funny because when you mention instantaneous braking, I had made that connection with the bullet (that

so the bullet would've burned him more than it normally would? i just figured it might've been because his hand would move at the same speed as the bullet, so there wouldn't be any friction to burn him

That's not true either. Most Republican candidates are homophobic, so it's not like the Republican voters have much of a choice, unless they vote Democratic, which usually doesn't align with their political beliefs.

Well, I do agree they should've made catching the bullet hurt more. It would've at least burned him. However, going off what hmf418 commented, I could be completely wrong, but Barry's hand would be moving at the same speed as the bullet so it wouldn't really have done any damage. What I'm more interested in is that he

he also happens to be gay, so double nightmare for republicans!

Thank you. Finally, someone who agrees with me. I like it so far. I don't see what people expected to make them bitch so much

Oh ok. Makes sense. Didn't see the edit

Love that show. Pleasantly surprised when I saw him here

Yeah I know. If it doesn't make money it won't be continued. But I do still enjoy the show. Guess that's all that matters

One of the wolverine movies had wolverine hooked up to a machine to take away his healing ability I believe. By the Japanese dude with the giant robot

Yeah that's true. Just the way selective amnesia sounds like it implies they conveniently lost only certain memories. And I agree with you, that it can't rely on delayed gratification, but in my opinion it's not. I could just be that kind of person, but the not knowing has me interested enough to keep watching, plus

Yeah that's true. And if it was the second season, or the middle of this season after a break, I would say that's what happening, honestly I would. But this is the first 3 episodes of the first season, and I don't think that's the case yet. Just story building right now. People need to be a little more patient…

since when does any show ever tell you exactly what is going on in the first few episodes? doesn't it usually take at least halfway into the show before you truly understand everything? the people in antarctica "waving their arms around" are trying to stop something bad from happening (which is obvious because i'm

I watch most of those. the 100 was surprisingly good

does anyone know what exactly jia - the bad guy - did to marco? and to hundred eyes, and what hundred eyes did to him - right before he killed him, that made him collapse?

am i the only one that doesn't think he's that bad an actor? sure he's not the best, but he's not that bad. i liked him in star wars, though that could be cuz i'm part of the younger generation… and i loved jumper and awake.