
you’ll like this story. Had a work acquaintance that lived a life in San Diego and we needed him to come out to Philly for an extended biz trip. While in Philly he was asking for things to do & see. We had been telling him about Philly off-beat and suggested he go down to South Philly to the Mummer Museum. It would be

Okay the costumes might be different but the idea behind the events are the same. I mean I realize people here think there is no racism or anything wrong in the utopia’s that is the North East but you are wrong.

None of that explains why she has to account to you or anyone else for her career or personal choices? I don’t see an actual answer to the question anywhere.

Why do they owe you or anyone else an explanation? Who cares other than people virtue signaling and posting to their not followed twitter “why is no one talking about this!?!” Because no one gives a shit besides you. 

This is also true. Some of the shit about Bernie Bros is overblown, but watching the way Warren got shit on in the stretch run of this campaign by Bernie supporters, culminating with Bernie supporters absolutely astonished that she was hesitant to endorse him was really something.  Like, you really have to take a step

And I maintain that emoji bombing Warren—for example—was a big mistake. Not just because it was petulant and embarrassing, but also because the mainstream media seems to relish any opportunity to discredit the Sanders campaign, and some of his most vocal supporters on Twitter gave in to the bait far too easily.”

Also, Warren can’t tweet without hate from Bernie supporters. It’s hard to shift support to him when you liked someone as amazing and who did so much as she has done when his supporters need reporting. Seriously, that hate can put such a bad taste in a person’s mouth, along with Bernie’s record of doing less than

Bernie’s supporters always seem to approach his candidacy as if it’s an inherent reality that young people are better, or more worthy, or more valuable. Votes, in the end, are valuable, and all people are valuable, as everyone’s effort to shelter and protect the elderly happens now. WHY does Biden need to win over

Ironic because that's what we're conditioned to be and then when we grow up, they hate us for it.

The double standards against women killed her campaign. Any woman or minority who has tried to reach higher is familiar with the increased scrutiny and bad faith criticisms that come with daring to move up. If/When Biden wins the nomination and the general, Americans would have proved that they have no qualms with

Because most of us weren’t brave enough to go with either a brilliant woman or a pragmatic one, moderates or progessives. Lesson I have taken from The last 5 years that our country is much more comfortable with a problematic old white man than an extraordinary woman, and that goes for moderat Democrats, liberal

Because it seems to be the case that to a large segment of the population, women are not people. Creep factor is only a factor if you’re one of those hysterical feminazis with blood coming out of your whatever.

I truly am just really, really sad that I’m going to have to hold my nose and vote for biden. I really wish

You don’t understand why people who are horrified by the horror show sitting at 1600 PA Ave understand that Joe, while far from perfect, is infinity times better that what we have and, from their view, likely has the best chance to fix this situation? I mean, my Facebook feed is liberal af too and I was probably as sur

The dirtbag left mistakes pragmatists for moderates. I understand there are moderate voters in the Democratic coalition as well, but I think the largest cohort of Democratic voters (supporting candidates from Bloomberg to Warren) are more pragmatic than anything else.

You’re assuming the same white suburban women who voted for Trump are the same ones who voted for Biden, which is kind of a stretch. There may be some overlap but I bet it’s minimal. I’d say white women in the US are probably about evenly split among Democratic and Republican parties.

According to Jezebel its just the East coast, West coast, South, and the “ Dark zone” which apparently is just one big corn field

What is incomprehensible is the total inability for Jezebel to understand that there are many voters, in many parts of the country, that find a platform like Klobuchar’s quite appealing.

The point was to help her work through her existential crisis now that neither Bernie nor Warren is going to win

Are you 12 years old? I’m serious 

It’s kind of shocking that politics can be so political, isn’t it?